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We walked off the plane, and I felt the humid air hit my face. I smiled widely, excited to be in my mother's favorite place on earth. I can't wait to see everything! We all walked towards the luggage return and waited until everyone got their luggage, and then the manager told us where we needed to go next. I trailed a little behind everyone, taking in the sights outside the airport widows. It already looked beautiful. I smiled to myself before catching up with everyone as we left the airport.

"How far away is the hotel?" Yoongi asked. He looked kind of tired and basically slept the whole flight, but that is expected since he sleeps everywhere. It was still the same time zone and so it was about midnight right now.

"I think about half an hour." The manager said, looking at his watch as we all climbed into a van that was waiting for us.

"Good, I can sleep more." Yoongi said as he leaned back into his seat.

Things still felt kind of awkward between everyone since they all made a big deal saying Jungkook and I should date. I thought about this for the whole drive. I have never dated anyone, and the thought of having someone that I could hug when I'm lonely and to laugh with when I'm feeling happy, made my heart flutter. No, I'm not talking about a best friend, because any best friend can do those things. I'm talking about a boyfriend. People probably thought I was being stupid for rejecting Mark, but like I said he is more of a best friend and a brother. I want someone like.... like Jungkook.

«The next morning»

       I yawned and stretched before sitting up in the hotel bed, just remembering that we are in Jeju Island. I smiled to myself like an idiot while slowly getting out of the big queen bed. I had a room all to myself, and I was glad because I honestly didn't want to share one with any of the other staff that came on the trip since they are mostly guys. I quickly took a short shower and like always didn't put on any makeup except some moisturizer. I then dug through my suitcase, looking for a swimsuit because after the a short photo session for the boys today, they said we would go to the giant pool at the hotel.

I felt around and found the swimsuit, pulling it out before my jaw dropped to the floor. No way am I wearing this! "Why on earth would I let Sana pack my swimsuits while I wasn't watching?" I said to myself while digging around for another swimsuit.

       There was no such luck finding another swimsuit option. I know Sana said I could trust her with my swimsuit choice, but a bikini?! This is literally the only bikini I have ever bought, and she somehow pulled it out of the depths of hell that I call my drawer. I remember buying the suit last year, and I have only ever worn it once because of the unwanted attention it got from perverted teenage guys at the pool. I even took the extreme measures of burying it deep in the very bottom of my drawer, yet she still managed to find it.

I angrily took out my phone and called Sana up "Yoboseo?" She answered.

"Sana! You are so dead when I get back!" I angrily whisper-yelled through the phone, afraid I might wake other people in the rooms next to mine.

"Hmm? What did I do? Oh! By the way, did you find your swimsuit? I was afraid I packed it too deep in your suitcase." Sana said.

I sighed out of frustration "You managed to find the one swimsuit I didn't want to wear. Last time I wore this, some annoying boys at the pool kept staring at me!" I hissed.

She laughed "Oh Mi-Cha! That's the point silly! You're with BTS, why wouldn't anyone want all of BTS staring at them?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose "Well maybe I don't want all of BTS staring at me. You are very lucky I like the pool, because when I get back you're still going to be in trouble for this."

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