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       I waited nervously in the elevator as it slowly went down to the lobby. I was a few minutes late and I hope I didn't make Jungkook think I ditched him or something. The elevator stopped at the bottom floor and the doors opened and I could see Jungkook's back facing towards me from across the lobby. I took a shaky breath and stepped out of the elevator. My palms started to get sweaty and I wiped them nervously on my jeans while taking a few more steps towards him. He still didn't notice me and was still facing away from me, humming lightly to himself as he waited. I smiled hearing his voice. Hearing him sing always makes my heart go a little faster.

I took in a deep breath before speaking quietly "Jungkook?"

He turned around when he heard my voice and broke into a smile "Mi-Cha!" He then picked me up and hugged me tightly "I thought you maybe wouldn't show up." He chuckled while setting me down.

I smiled and held onto his arms to steady myself before letting go "I wouldn't skip my first ever date."

His eyes widened at what I said and I was confused "You've never been on ONE date even?"

I shrugged "Well, the ones I have been on I can't really consider them dates, because the guys either didn't show up or always ended the dates early."

He scoffed and put his hands on his hips while staring at me "Well, I better make it an amazing date then. Kaja!" He suddenly grabbed my hand and quickly dragged me out of the hotel, into the breezy but warm night. We walked in silence for at least seven minutes before we ended up at a market, him still holding my hand.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, a little confused.

He looked down and smiled at me before answering "I thought we could explore through here and maybe get food?"

I smiled and nodded my head "That sounds good." He then proceeded through the market, never letting go of my hand the whole time.

       We spent at least and hour just wandering through the giant outdoor market, trying on a bunch of things like masks and traditional Korean clothing. We also tried a bunch of food, and I couldn't stop smiling the whole time. He managed to make a permanent smile stick on my face, and made me laugh a lot. I felt giddy yet calm at the same time, being in his presence for this long without anyone to distract us. Is this what it felt like to be on a date with a guy who actually cares? I obviously wouldn't know because I've never had a boyfriend.

We decided to stop off for ice cream since we were both still hungry, when Jungkook's phone rang "Yoboseo?" He answered, setting it on the table between us and turning it on speaker.

"Where are you Kookie? We can't find you in the hotel. And we can't find Mi-Cha, we're kind of worried." It was J-Hope calling.

"We went out." Jungkook simply answered. I looked up at him and was a little confused why he would tell him we are out together. I thought he wouldn't want his band members knowing he went on a date with me.

There was a slight pause on the other line "Did you just say 'we' went out? ARE YOU AND MI-CHA ON A DATE?!" Hoseok started freaking out.

"What?! Oh my gosh why didn't you tell us earlier?!" I heard Jimin yell into the phone, followed by a whole bunch of other yells from the rest of BTS. I laughed at all of them getting excited at the fact that their golden maknae was on a date with someone.

"Jungkook, listen here. If you are rude or break her heart, then you will be in huge trouble. Got it?" Namjoon spoke in a fatherly tone towards Jungkook.

I was a little surprised that he cared about me that much since we don't talk that often, but I laughed at his statement "Namjoon, it's okay. He hasn't done anything at all. He has been nothing but sweet." I smiled shyly at Jungkook after saying that.

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