Step One: Prepare for the trip

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Underwear - Check

Jeans, shirts, and sweaters - Triple check

Sexy and beautiful dresses (In case there is formal events and hot guys present.)-  Sexy check!

Extra sneakers, flats and a pair of high heels - Check!

Womanly stuff - Check

Deodorant -

"Oh crap! Seriously Gabby? You almost forgot the most essential thing!" Gabrielle slapped her hand on her forehead out of frustration as she goes to her bathroom to get her deodorant. She was packing her stuff for the school's field trip, it was still two days away but she needed to make sure she got everything packed before leaving for her trip because she hates procrastinating especially with packing. 

Something that she got from her father, one of her father's personality aside from being an OCD. Luckily she didn't get that from her father, but it doesn't mean she isn't tidy.

She looked around her room to see a lot of crumpled papers from her study table due to doing half of her homework that looks likes the Eiffel tower from it being so much, and some clothes that were scattered around her bedroom floor due to finding some specific outfits that she wanted, and last but finally her messy bed and scattered bags in the bed.

She groaned in frustration, she rubbed her forehead for being so stressed out from the works that she had been doing. After she got home yesterday, she had been doing her homework, or organizing and packing her stuff for the school's trip. It doesn't help that she had a lot of chores to also do in the house. 

That's is why she thought of making a list of what she needs to pack to not forget the things she needed for her trip, especially with the pile of work she had been doing, she was bound to forget something and she was sure of it.

"Gabby for crying out loud, clean your room! It looks like a tornado raided your room! I'm not cleaning your mess again!" Her mother bursts in the door, surprising her. She listened to her mother complained about her and her messy room as she watches her mother clean her room herself all the while saying that she won't clean it.  

She watched in amusement as her mother lecture her, she plopped in her bed to watch her mother. She didn't bother to reply because that would only cause an argument and her hand smacking the back of Gabrielle's head for "Talking back" to her mother, so she sat there silently, occasionally nodding her head, pretending to listen to her mother as she watches her clean her room. 

She placed her palms on her chin as she waited for her mother to finish, also forgetting her stress about her piled up work.

"Gabby dear, I know you have been so busy lately but would it kill you to just clean your room?" Finally, her mother finished with cleaning and her room was spotless, aside from her bed and her disheveled clothes in her travel bags.

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