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Alex's POV:

So me and Ken were at the car right now because I haven't gone to a grocery shopping yet and we'll she want me to buy some 'healthy foods' for me. I was driving right now while Kendall can't keep herself from snapping pictures of me on snap chat.

Alex: Kenny... stop taking pictures...

Kendall: sorry baby but I can't help it and I want the world to know that you are mine.

Alex: well aren't you a possessive huh?... but the world already knows about you and me since we both posted each other's pictures on insta.

Kendall: by the way that pictures were so cute!!

Kendall: by the way that pictures were so cute!!

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Alex: baby I'm not cute I'm hot.

She just roll her eyes at me and I chuckle at her.

Kendall: I'm talking about Joey not you.

Alex: so a dog is much more great looking than me?

Kendall: Alex, Joey is cute and you Mr. There is no word to describe how you look.

Alex: sorry Goddess of beauty but I think you were talking about yourself.

I look at her and she look down hiding her blush I chuckle at her cuteness.

We finally arrive to the Target so I park the car and I already see paparazzi. I go out and run to kendall's side and open her door for her. I hold her hands as we both walk to the target.

Kendall: I still can't believe we're official now even in the eyes of the public.

Alex: believe it princess.

Kendall: okay let's get you some food.

I get a cart and start following kendall she has this list of things she need to buy for me. I was just rolling the cart and following her while she's busy putting different items on it.

We go to this section and I already regret walking in thus section. I stop the cart and see the guy walking towards me with a smirk on his face. I glare at him wishing I can kill him right now. He walk closer to me. Kendall was looking at me then him curiously. It's My sister's abusive ex. Carter fuchsia Reynolds.

Carter: hey Alex.

Alex: carter.

Carter: it's nice to see you again.

Alex: I can't say the same to you.

Carter: oh come on still hold the grudge of the past?.. it's not my fault your sister is so boring.

My blood was boiling right now.

Alex: boring?!! Is that why you hurt her?!!

Carter: it's not my fault she can't give me what I want..

Alex: your such an asshole carter. I hate the fact that my sister even like you.

Carter: well I can't blame her actually... who don't want this ? Right.

I was so mad right now that all I want to do is punch the living hell out of him.

Carter: you know is till remember her soft skin her soft pinky lips. You know what I can ask her out again. Maybe now I can do further than kissing her.

Alex: leave the duck my sister alone or I'll kill you myself.

I say each word with the tone that I can kill him.

Carter: come on dude she's single I'm single and she's been much more famous than before and fucking hot.

I lost it and grab him by his neck and pin him down to the floor because there is no walls in here. I can here kendall trying to calm me down. I feel her touch on my back making me relax instantly. I look at carter who has scare in his eyes. I whisper in his ears deadly

Alex: stay away from my sister or I'm going to kill you slowly and make you suffer you know what Stanfords can do Carter so fuck off if you still live your life.

I stand up and just glare at him. He then gets up and hold his neck then he glares at me.

Carter: I will get back together with Aubrey and you can't stop me Alex. She loves me and I'm the only man she wants. Aubrey haven't had a boyfriend since we broke up because she only wants me.

I laugh at him and he just glare at me.

Carter: why are you laughing?

Alex: so you really think that Aubrey loves you? Well bad news fuckboy my sister had a boyfriend for 8 months now and she love him and not you.

Carter: who is her boyfriend? A low life poor boring guy?

Alex: no carter actually you know who he is and I'm pretty sure that the other boys know him too you should know it too because the magcon boys does. Ohhh wait I forgot you're not part of it anymore when they decide to kick you out because of your bad reputation and asshole attitude.

Carter: you mean that one of the boys is her boyfriend?

Alex: yeah Carter and as far as I remember you two don't get along.

Carter: Shawn?

Alex: you have a brain after all.

Carter: no she can't be with Shawn.!!! That's not true!!!

Alex: why carter are you jealous for the fame that Shawn had right now?... he earn so much more than you do. He has friends and family that loves him, and more especially he had a girlfriend that love him so much.

Carter: I won't believe you until I see evidence because I'm sure that you were just messing with me Alex. Aubrey will only be mine.

My phone suddenly make a noise and I look at it. There is 2 videos posted one from my sister and one from Shawn. I click my sister's video and I instantly smirk. I look at Ken and she was smiling at me. I look at the worthless asshole in front of me.

Alex: you want evidence?  Check your YouTube my sister just posted something you would love.

He get his phone out and look at what I said. He was just staring at his phone.

Alex: you know I'm so sorry for my sister to be with someone as worthless as you.

After I said that me and Ken go and continue our shopping Ken knows about Carter and Aubrey she knows about that time when Carter will hit my sister when he was forcing her to have see with him which didn't happened, and especially the time when he left her like a junk she was so broken and she keeps having nightmares about it. I'm glad it's over now.

I'm glad that my sister and Shawn finally decided to get public too. I know they love each other and they will get through this together. Me and Ken finish our shopping and go back to the hotel. We out the foods on the cabinets.

We also pack our bags for out trip to the Philippines Ken were going with us and Aubrey said that Shawn will be going to help us too. Ken said that the gand will be there too to help for the show that we will have. We will all travel together with 2 private jets that our family own.

After packing me and Ken decided to just chill and watch some Netflix. I can't wait to help people.



   So thank you for reading this chapter hope you guys like it and please give it a start and comment down what you think

Have a great day/night....

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