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Alex's POV:

I was currently in my office right now. It was 9 months already since I broke up with Kendall and I haven't heard from her since then. I was signing some paper works for the company. It has been a very hard months fir the company especially when Aaron and Aubrey were not around. "Sir, the head of the finance management is here should I send him in?" Tyler ask. "Send him in Tyler" I said in the phone. Soon a man came in with the reports.

"Sir I have here the report about the finances of the company" He said handing me the papers. I get it from him and look at it. It hasn't change, The company is still losing a pretty big amount of money and if this continue the company will be in depth within this year. "you can go now" I said to the guy. He get out of my office while I sat there and keep looking at the papers.

"I don't know what's happening we're still using the same system like before" I said to myself. "Tyler arrange a meeting with the board" I said to the phone. "Yes sir" he said. I keep on searching for the reason on why the company is losing this much money. After a half an hour me and board members were now in the meeting room.

"So as all of you may know the company is not in a good shape right now, we were losing a lot of money every month and if this continue the company will be in debt within this year so if any of you have an Idea on how this happen or you have a solution on how to stop this please feel free to speak" I said to all of them. "Maybe someone is stealing from the company" Candice said looking at Jane.

"No, the only one who have an access to the money were the CEO, COO, and the CFO" I said and since Aaron is not here we decided to give Hazel the CFO position and my dad agree. "Exactly my point" Candice said. "So your basically saying that we were stealing from the company?" Hazel said. "I know I probably should say No, but we all know that it's bullshit so Yes that's basically what I was thinking" She said to them.

"Look at this in my point of view. When we have Aubrey and Aaron in this company everything is going smoothly but since they left and this girls replace them the company was now falling drastically" She said. Hazel and Jane both stand up from their seat. "Oh really? How about the fact that you're more on your modelling career than working in here" Jane said. "Huh, I was doing my job and as far as I know I was also doing your jobs" Candice said.

"Who do you think ask the L'Oreal company to keep intact with us? or the Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway" I said to them. "Well you don't any evidence for your accusation" Jane said. "I can get that whenever I want" Candice said. "Stop all of you!" I said slamming my hands on the table. "I don't need your arguments in here what I needed is a solution" I said to them.

They all sat down and we continue the meeting after the meeting I go back to my office and sat on my chair.  "I'm going to mom's house later for dinner she was asking if you wanted to come?" Candice said coming into the office. "I don't think Aaron would love to see me there" I said to her. "You can't blame him though... His best friend and sister were somewhere nobody knows because you hurt one of them and the other one was because of your girlfriend" She said to me.

"It's not my fault Candice and what I said on the phone that time... I didn't mean it, I just don't know what to do, I love Hazel she was my first love." I said. "She was your first love and she was also the one who hurt you the most... Look Alex, I know it feels great if your first love become your last but you need to consider the fact that sometimes our first will never be our last" She said to me.

"But you and Hermann make it seems so easy" I said to her. "But it's not, me and Hermann go trough a lot in our relationship but we never hurt each other like the way Hazel did, The truth is I see our younger self in you and Kendall... Both of you accept each other even though both of you carry a lot of dramas in your lives with her being a part of the Kardashian/Jenner family and you being a Stanford" She said and she was right.

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