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Harry awoke with a headache. He looked around to find himself in the nurse's station.

"......where am I?" He asked. No one answered him. He sighed, getting up but felt someone holding his hand. Harry looked down to see Malfoy, fast asleep and snoring lightly, his head on the bed.

"........" Harry instantly remembers what happened and looked at Malfoy confused.

"Why did he do that......why did he-....what did not think about it too much." Harry said to himself as he carefully got out of bed.

Harry headed out of the room, stopping and looking at Malfoy once more before shaking his head and closing the door behind him.

Harry made his way to the common room, figuring it was late by the lack of light outside.

As he went through the fat lady he was engulfed in a hug.

"Harry, you alright mate?" Fred and George hugged him.

"Ya gave us quite the scare Harry, don't do that again."

Harry hugged hem back.

"I'm sorry mates, but what was that with Malfoy? Ya know, the wings and such?"

The twins pulled back and looked at their young friend confused.

"Wings? Harry you nearly drowned until Malfoy pulled you put. Then Hagrid carried you to the nurses station." Harry looked confused.

"But I remember waking up to find Malfoy over me and his eyes and wings-"

"Off to bed children." The portal echoed.

"Hey, you got potions first class right Harry?" George asked. Harry looked in his robe and pulled out his schedule.


"Well, good luck mate. Ya gonna need it with snapey." Fred said, smirking.

"That's guys. Night." The twins waved at Harry.

"Night, try not to dream about Malfoy too hard." They teased as the headed to their rooms.

Harry rolled his eyes, before going to his room and laying on his bed. Soon he drifted off.


Harry opened his eyes to find himself in the room once again.

"......what is going on....." Harry turned to see the woman from his dream quickly leave the room. Harry went to follow.

"Hey wait!" But he was unable to exit. He sighed, looking around the room. He recognized one of the books from his last dream and picked it up.

".......forbidden magic and how to use it for Madeline Ructure....."  Harry opened it, reading some of the spells and going through the potions.

"......the titles of the spells and potions are erased..........I've never heard of these combinations before......" Harry thought as he looked into the potions.

".....Madeline?" Harry dropped the book and his eyes opened again. He was on his bed.

He got up and looked around the room and saw the light from outside entering the room.

It was morning. Harry quickly got up, having already dressed since he didn't change last night. He ran out of the room and headed to the great hall. As he got there he saw the twins waving him over. He sighed and walked over to them, sitting down.

"You're up early Harry."


"It's only 6:30, you don't have class for another hour and a half."

Harry sighed. No wonder the area was mostly empty.

"Great." Harry said, groaning.

"Cheer up, Malfoy is here too." Harry paused and turned behind him slowly, seeing Malfoy's angered eyes on him.

"...he seems real angry." Harry stated as he turned back around, pulling out a piece of paper to write down the ingredients of what he saw.

"Yeah, someone must've told him ta fuck off. Princess can't take a joke." Fred said.

"That princess is my god child Wesley, and if you don't comprehend respect soon, I'll have you learn in detention." Snape said from behind Harry. Harry nearly Jumped as he turned his head.

"....morning professor." Snape looked down, raising an eyebrow at Harry before walking off.

"......what a prick." George mumbled.

"Only the first day and he's being more of a prat than Malfoy."

Harry sighed.

"I suppose. Oh, we still on for tonight? I've got a potion if like to tryout." The twins looked at him weird.

"And what's it do?"

"No idea, showed up in my dreams."

"Even better, the great Harry actually coming up with something sinister, careful Harry some might think you've become a Wesley." Fred jokered. Harry chuckled and began eating.

Wouldn't that be something.

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