Broken Bonds

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Harry sat in the bed.

"You've only been here for two days Harry, and you've found yourself in here both times. You need to be more careful Harry." Pomfrey said.

"I'm sorry madam Pomfrey." Harry said as she bandaged his head.

".....where did Draco go?"

"He said he had to go do something important." She said. Harry looked in thought, but nodded.

"Alright, you're all set Harry. If you need anything, ring the bell." She said and patted his leg.

"Alright, thank you madam Pomfrey. Have a nice night."

"Night to you as well Harry." She said gently and went to her chambers.

Harry sighed and leaned back. He heard a fluttering noise.

"Hello Potter." Draco said from the window. Harry sat up and looked over at him.

"Draco." He said breathlessly. Draco's eyes were a beautiful silver, almost glowing. He had these beautiful pair of white wings. The moon was shining onto him, making it seem like his hair was shining.

"This has to stop." Draco said coldly. Harry got out from the bed with a worried face.

"What do you mean-" Draco appeared in front of Harry and pushed him back onto the bed.

"You will not talk to me, you will not approach me, we are strangers." Draco said coldly.

Harry looked at him in horror, his chest hurting.

"Wha- why?" He asked.

"I'm sick of trying to be your friend, you're a nuisance that will only get me killed along with you." He said bitterly. Harry felt tears falling down his face.

"B-but I thought-"

"You thought wrong. Don't ever talk to me again." Draco said spreading his wings and flying out the window.

"Draco!" Harry yelled out the window.

"....why?" He cried.

*a week later*

"Harry!" Harry turned back to see the twins.

"Are you ready for that Quidditch game coming up?" Fred asked putting an arm over Harry's shoulder.

"We are going to wreck Ravenclaw!" George said putting his arm around Harry's shoulder too.

Harry laughed lightly.

"Yeah, as ready as I'll every be." He said walking down the hallway. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. The twins looked at eachother than at Harry.

"Nightmares still?"

"Maybe you should see madam Pomfrey."

"I'm fine guys, promise." Harry said as they headed to the changing room.

"We are going to whip them!" The twins said in unison as they passed Draco and his fans.

Harry kept his eyes up front, ignoring Draco's presents, and it seems Draco has kept his words, be he hadn't even looked at Harry this last week.

"So how is Malfoy doing Harry?" Fred asked. Harry frowned.

".....I'm assuming he's doing fine." Harry said casually.

"You just don't really talk about him anymore." George said.

"What's there to talk about, he's a ponce." Harry said with bitterness in his tone. The twins looked confused.

"I thought you two were on civilized terms now."

"So did I." Harry muttered and went into the changing room, the twins right behind him.

Fred and George looked at eachother confused, then followed Harry's example and changed.

Harry sat on his broom, yawning.

'I can't sleep now.' He thought to himself, not realizing the worried look from a certain blond in the Slytherin stand.

"Alright I want a clean and fun game. Alright? Ready, set, " The referee said throwing the ball up in the air.


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