The Truth

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"Madeline!" Madeline turned her head to see her love running to her with a smile.

"Ed!" She smiled brighter than the sun as Edward picked her up and twirled her around laughing.

"I can not wait to come see the new book you wrote." He said proudly. Madeline chuckled.

"Well, it is not a subject I prefer, but to inform our young withes and wizards about the use of dark magic and the dangers that comes with the use of it, I willingly wrote about the new discovery from our researchers." SHe said with a small smile.

"I am sure it will be great and informative." Edward said smiling as he kissed her. Madeline and Edward were happily together. Though Rowena did not think he deserved her, Madeline still loved him with all her heart. 

"I shall see you tomorrow at breakfast my sweet." Edward said affectionately to Madeline before kissing her cheek softly and left her to her quarters. He smiled to himself on the way to his room.

"Professor." Edward heard. He turned his head to see a small boy standing in the corner. He recognized the boy instantly.

"Tom." He smiled and strolled over to him.

"It is abit late for such a young man to be wonderng about the castle." He smiled.

"I apologize Professor, but I couldn't wait. You see, I am in reach of a specific book." Tom said cooly. Edward raised an eyebrow.

"In this time of the night?"

"It is important." Tom said fimrly. Edward scarxthed his head, his instinct telling him something was wrong.

"Very well, perhaps I can help. What is the name of the book?" Edward asked curiously. Tom gae the professor a smile that froze Edward's blood.

"Well professor, it is called The Dark Magic of the Horcrux." Tom said smiling like a predator. Edward looked stunted.

"How do you know of that name?" He asked quietly, shocked.

"I was lucky enough to speak with Professor Slughorn about the subject and came to find that one of our lovely Professors at this school written a certain book to inform on the subject, more specifically on how to create them." Tom said stepping foreward. Edward stepped back.

"Listen Tom, the book is not ready to be shown to students at your age, if the ministry allows it to be published at all. Now I suggested you head back to your dorm this instant." Edward said sternly as he continued stepping back.

"Oh but I believe there is something you can do for me professor." Tom said.

"I think not, Tom." Edward said firmly.

"Oh?" Tom whipped his wand out quickly and pointed it at Edward in one swift motion.


Madeline has noticed as days went by, Edward looked tired and worn out. He never even talks to her anymore, unless he's yelling or getting aggressive. She also recently found out that someone has been trying to break into her lab, but her portrait couldn't ever seem to remember their face. On the fifth day, she decided she had enough and decided to bring Edward down to her secret room and do a test on him to find out what was wrong.

She led him down the staircase and through the door, pulling Edward into the small room. He has turned paler the last two days and his eyes were blood shot.

"Alright Edward, I just need a strain of your hair." she said getting the ingredients."

"What?" Edward asked.

"Well since you wont tell me what is wrong with you, I'm going to have to figure it out myself." She said putting some things in the caldron. It was in this moment Edward saw red.

"I do not need your damn help woman." He roared. Madeline flinched before looking at him.

"Ed, I just care for you-"

"If you care so much, give me the book on the Horcrux!" He demanded. Her eyes widen.

"The ministry deemed it too dangerous and burned all my copies." She said.

"you're a bloody liar, I know you have a copy on you!" He spat. His eyes caught the book on the shelve and before he could lunge at it, Madeline grabbed it and held it to her chest.

"Give it to me!" He yelled grabbing the top of the book and tried to rip it out of her arms.

"No!" Madeline yelled.

"NOW!" He yelled.

"Edward Please!" He let go and slapped her across the face.

"Bloody harlot." He growled as he got him wand out. Madeline froze with tears as she realized what he was about to do."

"I'll say this one more time, give me the book Madeline!" He yelled, raising the wand at her.

"Edward please!" She begged.

"Avada Kedavra!" He yelled and her screams filled the air as the green light emerged from the tip of his wand.

Madeline laid dead with the book loosely in her arms. Tears fell from Edward's cold eyes as he reached down and took the book. He turned to leave but stopped and turned back to Madeline.

"...." He put the book in his robe before he reached down and picked her up, heading to her favorite lake.

One week.

It has been one week since she died and he handed Tom the book. Tom wanted the rest for himself but once the door closed to her room, no one was able to open it again. Even Albus and Rowena were unable to open the door to her secret room, the school itself wouldn't let them. He was running out of time and Tom was getting irritated. 

"You idiot! How can you not open the door!" Tom yelled.

"I am sorry sir." Tom growled.

"It doesn't matter, I have to take my leave. That old fool has become suspicious of me and I need to get him off my back." Tom said before turning to Edward. Edward became skin and bone since Tom last seen him at the lake.

"...It does not matter what you do, you will wither away anyway. The curse I put on you drain you mentally as well as physically. I have no more use of you." Tom said before turning and walked away.

"......." Edward walked along the hallways, the paintings all seem to have something better to do than worry about a weary Professor. He found himself in front of Rowena's Portrait.

".....Madeline." He said as a tear fell. he leaned against the painting, the cool metal of the frame giving Ed a pleasant feeling on his face.

The sound of the door opening caused him to open his eyes. Tom stood back and watched as the  portrait opened for the last time in ages. He quickly ran down the stairs and opened the door.

"Madeline?" He called. the wax from the candles dripped down the walls, the books stayed where they were last place, unmoving, but no Madeline left to be seen. Edward silently cried as he slowly realized what it was he'd done.

"No....I'm so sorry." He said quietly before he sat down in the chair by her desk.

"I am so sorry Maddie." He said in anguish as he leaned over and picked up the vial of purplish gold.

He uncapped it and looked up at the ceiling.

"Please forgive me my love." He said before drinking the contents. He dropped the vial and sat back in the chair, then closed his eyes as his body slowly turned into stone.


Author's Notes: The truth you've all been waiting for! Let me know if there are some holes in it that I need to fix. I hope it was worth the wait to see what really happened! Damn Tom.

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