Wrapped Up Like A Tight Little Bow

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Harry felt his world go black as he felt an overwhelming sadness filled his heart.

"Harry?" Draco asked quietly, reaching a hand out to touch Harry. In a blink of a eye, everyone who was in the room found themselves outside the closed door of the room.

"....Harry??" Draco yelled as he tried to open it. The door wouldn't budge.

"Step aside Draco." Snape said as he moved Draco out of the way and took his wand out.

"Alohomora." Snape casted at the door, but the door was still unable to open.

"Harry!" The twins yelled in unison as they rammed into the door. 

Harry could hear them calling his name on the otherside of the door, but was unable to respond. He walked to the books and threw them on the ground. He started pulling everything off the shelves, books, ingredients, potion tools, and threw them onto the floor. 

"Everything is because of these bloody books!" Harry yelled.

"Tom, Madaline's death, Edward's sorrow, Everything!" Harry screamed as he held his wand at the pile on the floor.

"Incendio." He casted. Fire left the tip of the wand and set ablaze to the unfortunate material in front of him. Harry began to cry harder as he fell to his knees, his head hung as the room filled with smoke. 

"Harry?" Harry heard a gentle voice speak to him. Harry slowly lifted his head to see a transparent image of Madeline Croft. She was smiling down gently at him.

"Thank you Harry, you've finally set us free." She said smiling. From the corner of Harry's eye he saw a transparent Edward stand up from his stoned body. He had a shocked expression on his face before it morphed into a sad yet happy look.

"Madeline." He cried out. Madeline turned to him with a smile and they engulfed eachother into a hug before melting into a kiss.

"Madeline, I am so so-" Madeline put her lips back to his.

"It is okay now Ed, all is forgiven." She said as they melted into a kiss again. Once they broke apart, Edward looked at Harry. 

"Thank you. For everything." He said smiling as he waved his hand and opened the door to let the others come in.

"I will forever be in your debt." He said smiling. Harry just looked at him amazed. Everyone piled back in and grabbed at Harry to drag him out. His vision blurred as the ghosts of Madeline Croft and Edward Rimplestein ascended and disappeared.

Draco and Snape managed to pull Harry out before the flames could get him, but unfortunately the smoke had its effect and Harry soon found himself unconscious again.

A day later, Harry found himself in the Hospital Wing as he awoke. All his friends and Professors were by his bed once they've heard the news of his awakening.

It was silent before Draco opened his mouth and took his hand.

"So....What was it you saw?" He asked gently. Harry took a deep breath before he began his long story, starting with His first dream on the train.

"Well it all started on my way here, I was taking a nap and you will not believe what I've seen..."


Author's Notes: One more chapter to tie everything up neatly. Well, more like what happened afterwords. Thank you everyone who loved this story and stuck with it! I hope it brought a smile to your face!

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