Just Alittle Ending

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Harry flew around the castle on his Nimbus 2000, felling the breeze on he face and the wind flapping his robe around. He smiled up to the sky as he enjoed the feeling of flying.

"Harry!" Harry looked to the side to see his beloved mate, Draco. Draco was flying next to him, his wings ruffling in the breeze.

"Good day to fly, ey?" Draco called with a smile as Harry laughed at Draco.

"Yeah, beautiful!" Harry called over the wind. 

"Yes....very beautiful." Draco said with a smirk. Harry turned alittle red as he smiled.

"Draco?" He said flying abit higher.

"Yes Harry?" Draco asked flying closer to him.

"...I love you." Harry said blushing. Draco smiled brightly as he grabbed Harry carefully and planted a kiss on his lips." Harry nearly lost control of his broom before Draco pulled back with his famous Malfoy smirk.

"I love you too."


Author's Notes: We are done! Woohoo! Y'all probably didnt think Id finish it. But I did! I hope you enjoyed this story, because I love it when you guys love it! I have a list of things I wanted to fit into the story and I got them all in! So Im very happy about that. Thank you guys again for giving this story a chance, it makes me really happy! Please leave you comments and likes if you like, because I love reading what you guys think and I love that you enjoy the book!^_^ I guess its so long! bye!

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