New friends, Old enemies

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"So what is this suppose to make Harry?" Fred asked as they sat at the griffindor table, eating dinner.

The day was nearly done and Harry, Fred and George were eating dinner together.

"I'm not sure, but I'd love to find out." Harry said excitedly.

"And the best part is, is most of these ingredients can be found in the forbidden forest." Fred and George looked at eachother, then Harry.

"But when will we go?"

"Tonight. We can get three of these ingredients there, then leave before curfew."

"Aight, sounds like a plan." Fred said excitedly.

"What sounds like a plan, what are you and the weasels up to now potter." Harry nearly jumped and turned to see Malfoy with his arms crossed, wearing his bitch face.

"None of your business, Malfoy." George said.

"Yeah Malfoy, bugger off." Fred said.

"If you're trying to hurt my potter I'll-" Malfoy was soon in a sea of fan girls.

"Draco we love you!"

"Take me right now please Draco!"

Harry made a disgusted face at the fan girls and got up. He realized Malfoy said HIS Potter.

".......l-let's go." Harry said as he got up and pushed past the girls to the exit, Fred and George close.

"Potter! Hey wait!" Malfoy called after him. Harry and the twins quickly made an exit.

They made it to the common room.

".....awwww he called you his potter!" Fred teased Harry.

"N-no way, you must've misheard him."

"Then did I mishear him too Harry? Because I heard him say his as well." George said smugly.


"Malfoy and Harry sitting in a tree, S-N-O-G-I-N-G!" The twins sang. Harry huffed and put his stuff up.

"I'm tell you, you're wrong."

"Suuure Harry, suuuure." Fred said smirking.

Harry rolled his eyes and held onto the parchment.

"Let's just go get these ingredients, yeah?"

Fred and George snickered.

"Yeah, alright Harry, want a kiss from your boyfriend first?"

Harry groaned as he he pushed past the twins to exit the common room.

As Harry opened the door he saw Draco there, slightly shocked that it was opened. They stared at eachother.


".......Potter I-"

Harry shut the door in his face.


"Harry, what's wrong mate?" Fred and George asked in unison.

"........" Harry opened the door to see Malfoy was still there, and looked abit irritated.


"Why are you here Malfoy."

"First you slam the door in my face, and now interupt me? Very rude potter." Malfoy said irritated.

Harry blushed. He opened and closed his mouth. Malfoy raised an elegant eyebrow.

"I can't read lips potter."

"......Sorry." Harry managed to say. Malfoy looked slightly surprised.

"......It's fine potter..."

There was silence for a few seconds.

"....Is there a reason you're here Malfoy?"


"....I'm sorry?"

"Please, call me Draco." Malfoy said with a smirk. Harry looked confused.

"" Harry said, trying to keep the excitement from his voice.

"Why are you here....Draco..." Draco gave Harry an actual smile.

"I'm here to see you, Harry. May I call you Harry?" Harry didn't trust his mouth so he just nodded.

"...H-here to see me? Why?"

Draco cleared his throat.

"I...well, I want to apologize for my behavior over the years. We were kids and we made mistakes. I would like to, if we could....start over?" Draco said with unsurity in his voice.

Harry just looked at him completely star struck.

" want to friends?" Harry asked.

"Only if you don't mind. Well, we don't have to be friends, yet. We could, take it slow." Draco said, clearing his voice.

Harry gave Draco a small smile.

"I would like that." He said. Draco smiled back, then cleared his throat.

"Well then, I shall return to my quarters. Good night, Harry." Draco said, unable to hold back a smile.

"Good night, Draco." Harry said smiling. Draco turned around with a light wave and walked off, heading to the dungeon.

Harry closed the door and turned around, looking at the giggling twins in front of him.

".....Not a word...."

"Draco and Harry, sitting in a tree." The twins sang. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up." Harry said as he got the invisibility cloak out.

"Let's go" he said as they all got under the cloak, heading out of the common room and down the halls to the forbidden forest.

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