An Ally In Strange Occasions

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Harry and the twins sat together during breakfast, Harry's head turning every so often, as if looking for someone. 

"Oi Harry, don't hurt yourself." Fred joked.

"Fred, George, have you seen Draco?" Harry asked as he kept looking over at the Slytherin table. The twins looked at eachother, a look of mischief on their face before looking at Harry.

"No." The spoke in unison. Harry looked at them with a stern expression.

"What did you two do." Harry asked crossing his arms. The twins smirked.


"Atchew!" A sneeze resounded in the room. Everyone turned their heads to see Draco Malfoy enter the hall with a handkerchief to his face. The room went silent and he looked at everyone, abit embarrassed. A growl forced everyone to turn away and continue their conversations. Harry jumped out of his seat and ran over to Draco, concern evident on his face.

"Draco, What is wrong?" He asked in a worried tone. Draco huffed before lowering his handkerchief, revealing a red nose.

"I woke up this morning feeling abit under the weather. I can hardly breath through my nose and this cursed illness makes me dreary." He confessed. Harry's eyes widen a small fraction and he glanced over to the twins who looked to be trying to seem innocent. He sighed internally and looked at Draco with a frown.

"Draco, Love, if you are not feeling well, I would much rather you rest." Harry frowned. Draco raised an eyebrow before sniffing.

"Harry, I'd much prefer to attend classes with you instead of being confined to bed." Draco said with a small smirk.

"I'll be fine." Draco chuckled lightly before coughing.

"I'll be the judge of that." A monotone voice spoke from behind Draco. Harry looked up as Draco turned to find a hand on his forehead.

"That feels like a fever Mr. Malfoy. I do hope you wouldn't enter my classroom with the intent of spreading your germs and contamination the potions." Snape said with narrow eyes.

"Of course not profess- Atchew!" A sneeze snuck up on Draco and he covered Proffessor Snape's robe sleeve in green slime.

"....Do get yourself some Pepper Up from Madam Pomfrey." Snape said disgusted. Draco's face turned red in embarrassment as he nodded.

"Yes sir." He said as he took Harry's hand, intending to leave with him.

"I am sure you rather not contaminate our golden boy Mr. Malfoy. I do have some words with him after all." Snape said as he used a spell to clean his sleeve. Draco frowned and looked at Harry before letting go.

"I'll see you later" Draco said softly to Harry before he leaned in to kiss him, but stopped before he could, remembering he was contagious. He leaned up and kissed Harry's forehead before giving him a small smile and headed out. Harry frowned, worried for Draco, also worried what Snape was going to do to him.

"Come Potter." Snape said, leading Harry out of the Hall. Harry made eye contact with the twins before he left the room with Snape. The walk was silent, causing Harry to become more nervous as they entered Snape's office.

"Sit Potter." Snape spoke coldly as he waved his hand and the chair from against the wall flew over and knocked into Harry, forcing him to fall back onto it. Snape went around to his desk and sat down calmly. Harry took a big gulp.

"Y-You wanted to speak to me sir?" He asked.

"Mr. Potter, I believe you know I greatly dislike secrets kept from me. But even more so, secrets that could be a potential danger to one of my students." Snape said folding his hands and rested his chin on them, his elbows on the desk. 

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