Golden Boy

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Harry fidgeted in his seat, awaiting the headmaster in his office. He glanced over at a very bored looking snape, and a very annoyed looking Draco, who was glaring at Harry's chair.


"Draco." Draco cut him off.

"....right, what is so interesting about my chair?" He asked weirded out.

"'re sitting on it." Draco said even more annoyed. Harry turned alittle red.


"You should be sitting on my lap, it's much more comfortable-"

"Draco stop, you are terrifying the golden boy. On second thoughts, please continue." Snape said bitterly.

They heard the passageway open behind them and turned to see headmaster dumbledoor.

"Ah, Severus, Harry, Draco, what a lovely surprise." He said walking over to his desk and sat down.

"Not into too much trouble are you?" He asked looking at Harry and Draco.

"Draco has found his mate." Snape said coldly. Dumbledoor looked over to snape with a raised eyebrow, then to Draco.

"Is it safe for me to assume that young Harry is your mate?" He asked. Draco nodded as he scooted his chair closer to Harry, trying to make it seem  unnoticeable.

"Yes headmaster, and I would like to point out that he is a magnet for danger." Draco said in a slight growl.

"Harry always loved to dance with danger." Dumbledoor chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but can someone please explain to me what is going on before I loose my head?" Harry asked abit angerly.

Draco growled under his breath and snape spoke up.

"What your tongue potter, or you just might have us all killed." He said annoyed.

"Headmaster, Harry only recently found out Draco is a veela, and even more recently, that he is his mate. We were hoping that you, headmaster, would prefer to inform potter on veelas and their mates." Snape finished smoothly.

"Very well Severus, I shall inform young Harry." He said with a gleam in his eye. He turned to Harry.

"Harry, what do you know about veela?" He asked leaning onto his desk.

"Nothing sir." Harry muttered. Draco slightly flinched and looked in pain before looking away.

"Well Harry, veelas are beautiful bird like creatures. They posses great power and excellent charm, amongst beautiful wings." Dumbledoor started.

"But Draco looks human, well, abit more beautiful before last year." He muttered, causing Draco the beam happily.

"You see Harry, veelas do not completely become an adult until their, well, as they would say, puberty. Mister Malfoy has gone through puberty through the summer, which for a veela, is a painful experience." He said, causing Draco unwanted memories.

"I don't understand professor, what does that have to do with me?" Harry asked confused.

"Veelas have a significant other called a mate, which they can find once they come into inheritance.  A veela is very protective of their mate and would slaughter anything that dares to even look at them wrong. You see Harry, veelas are more bird than human in some cases, so it is a magic law that if a veela killed for their mate, no foul will come to them." He stated. Harry looked horrified.

"S-So out on the field..."

"That is a veelas main form of defense for their mate, when they feel their mate is hurt or in danger. Their face changes and their feather sharp to the touch, of course escept for their mate." Dumbledoor said getting some candy out.

"T-This is madness." Harry said standing up and shaking his head. Draco stood up to and looked at Harry with sad eyes. Harry felt his heart pang at the sight of Draco.

"I need to go sort this out." Harry said heading out of the office.

Draco went to follow but was stopped by snape.

"Let him go Draco, he needs some time alone." He said gently. Draco growled slightly and then sighed.

"I did not wish to cause him any pain."

"Do not worry Draco, he will come around." Dumbledoor stated. Draco turned and glared at him.

"And what makes you think that?" Dumbledoor chuckled.

"Because he's my golden boy."
Authors Notes: wow I'm am soooo sorry it took me so long to update! School has really been kicking my ass. I'll try to update more frequently! Thank you for reading!

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