We Belong Together

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Harry walked with the twins to class.

"So Harry.....you're the mate of Malfoy?" Harry stopped and looked at Fred surprised.

"H-How did you know?"

"Well we took Care of Magical Creatures, this year and what do you know, one of the first things we learned was Veelas." George said.

Harry blushed and looked away.

"......alright, so I might be the mate of Draco, I still fail to see why that matters."

"Your going to except him though right?" Fred asked.

"....I don't know, this whole situation is confusing." Harry sighed.

"Well mate, you best think on it. We'll see you later Harry." Fred said.

"Yeah Harry, and take care of those bags under your eyes. Don't want ya falling asleep in Snape's class." George chuckled as they split up from Harry.

Harry sighed as he continued down the hall towards his class. As he walked he felt his eyelids start to fall.

'No, not here-' his train of thought was cut off when his vision went black.

"Tell me where the book is Madeline!" Harry opened his eyes to see a door at the bottom of a stairway, completely dark.

"Edward please-" Harry heard a smack and then things falling. He started going down the stairs, keeping a hand on the wall.

"Tell me or I'll kill you!" The man, Edward, yelled.

"Edward stop!" Harry walked faster, reaching for the door.

"Avada Kedavra!" Harry saw a flash of light through the cracks of the door and his heart sank.

"PROFFESOR!" He yelled turning the knob and opening the door.

There was a flash of light.

Harry woke up with a gasp and sat up, or at least tried to sit up. He felt arms holding onto him and someone's face in his neck.

Draco Malfoy.

Harry wondered what happened and where he was. He looked around, careful not to wake Draco up.

The nurse's station. Harry sighed. He felt his eyes were wet and used his free hand to touch his eye and pulled back, seeing he cried.

"Harry?" A gentle voice whispered in his ear.

Harry turned his head and looked into draco's eyes.

"What's wrong Harry?" Draco asked concerned. Harry shook his head and sat up.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice different from crying.

"You fell asleep in the hallway. I caught you so you didn't hit your head." Draco said sitting up with Harry. Harry turned towards him with raised eyebrow.

"You followed me?" He asked. Draco looked away from Harry.

"....I know I'm suppose to give you space, to let it all sink in, but Harry you attract danger like ants to sugar." Draco said. Harry giggled slightly at the reference, causing Draco to beam. Harry found draco's smile absolutely beautiful. He then realized they wee mates and sighed.

"......I like you Draco, I have for a long time....and I want to make it work, mate or not. But some things will need to change, at least for now. Starting off with not following me everywhere I go." Harry said pointedly.

Draco opened his mouth to argue, but then bit his tongue and nodded hesitantly.

"Alright Harry....I will try, for you." Draco said hugging Harry. Harry blushed abit and hugged Draco back.

"Thank you." Harry whispered.

Draco purred and buried his face in Harry's neck.

"Sleep." He said to Harry. Harry slightly tensed.

"I'll protect you, I promise." Draco said rubbing Harry's back. Harry relaxed slightly and laid back down, his head on Draco's chest.

"....sleep well Draco."

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry in a firm but gentle hug.

"You as well Harry."

After an hour, Draco was asleep, but Harry just laid there, listening to draco's heart.

'I hope that things won't be too different.' He thought.


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