Chapter 94 - Scarlett

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On the last chapter, so many of you noticed what Harry did there by calling her Kirsten, and so many didn't. Well, what I wanted to make you see there, is that right at that moment, when Scar gave up on her to look after someone else, she was back to being the old Kirsten, the fake personality that has no happiness at all. And that's what Harry meant; he wanted her to realize she was not being herself. He wanted to show her that he fell in love with Scarlett, not Kirsten.

Now, many of you got fucking mad at Scar for letting him go, and (to my surprise), a few of you got mad at Harry, too. I do understand y'all, but I with the last chapter I wanted you to see that both of them made awful mistakes, but also that both are right, at some point. Scar was right when she said Harry had the easiest way to deal with his loss, and also when she said he was attached to someone else, too. She uses him, sometimes, but he does, too. Even though the way they do it is completely different from each other's.

Um. Okay. I think that's all. OH! And of course, Midnight Memories video is on the multimedia :) Perfect. Just go and watch it again.




The air was thicker around me as I slowly bent down, sitting on the floor not so carefully and trying the best I could to breathe. The room was fast spinning, or maybe it was just my head, but either way, the feeling was nothing but devastating.

There was silence buzzing in my ears, the sound persistent just as much as the salty tears that kept falling down my face heavily, earning desperate sobs that made me gasp for air in an attempt to not die suffocated with my own despair. It was useless, though, because the breaths I was trying to take to get back to a sane state seemed to have no effect whatsoever.

It’d been around twenty minutes ever since Harry left, but it still felt like just a blink of an eye; too soon yet for me to take in what had just happened there. Obviously, I hadn’t expected him to react well at all to my choice; knew he wouldn’t. But I also hadn’t expected to see him as broken as he looked. I hadn’t expected the conversation to go the way it went, not in a million years. And even less, I hadn’t expected such a bomb to be dropped like that at the end of the argument. Wasn’t ready for it.

So he was moving out.

Not that I had any hopes that after the break up we’d keep seeing each other constantly, but there was still the possibility he could go and visit Angel, or maybe the probability we’d bump into each other around the streets, or something. And the thing was: I was counting on that. Counting on the fact that he’d be near once I was ready to face myself again; once I was ready to truly give up on Tyler – fully, completely, once and for all – and be with him for as long as I could think of.

But it wasn’t going to happen anymore. He was moving forward and away from London, from me.

Realization wasn’t going to sink in anytime soon, I reckoned, pulling my legs closer and burying my head in them, hoping that way I could shut the rest of the world still happening around me. Unfortunately, that failed; the aching in my chest seeming sharper, unbearable. It got to a point where it physically hurt, enough so I had to lie on the floor on my side and curl up until I was small enough; felt small enough to simply become invisible.

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