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~Haylee's POV~

"Haylee?" It was Nat. She was carefully walking to me and touched my shoulder. I fell down as soon she touched me. "I'm sorry Nat! This is all my fault! Stefan is the biggest idiot! And Jake is hurt because of me..." I just rambled, everything that was so deep inside of me. She sat down beside me, hugged, try to comfort me. I'm not use to people feeling sorry for me or showing kindness. I've never experienced that before. It felt nice. 

"Shh it's not your fault! You didn't sent for them, you didn't choose to be here. This is their own doing and their own consequences!" I know what she said was right but I couldn't stop feeling this was on me. Just because I'm alive. 

"I should take a shower then go to sleep" My throat was damaged by the crying. I can't sit here and be vulnerable. "Okay but I'll be downstairs if you need anything! And I will make sure Ty won't come up. The clock is around 5 am so take a nap and then come down" I just nodded. I'm not even sure I will do that but I don't care I just want some sleep.
The shower was short. I didn't want to see the blood. Then I laid down on the couch and fell asleep.

When I woke up again was it dark outside. I laid down on the bed, someone must have moved me. I didn't see Tyler anywhere, he must be out. I sneaked down stairs to get some fresh air "smoke" and then tried to turn on the TV. I haven't touched a TV remote in, I don't even know. But after several minutes I managed to start it and found my favorite show. I wondered where the others are? The watch told me it was two in the morning, maybe they all was sleeping and Tyler slept somewhere else. 

"Hey you've woken up!" said a husky voice. I turned around and saw Jacob. "Yeah and why aren't you in bed? Are you as stupid as you look?" he sat down right next to me and refused to answer. "Top gun! I love this show!" he is like a stubborn child. "yeah it's my favorite. Let me take a look at the wound!" I didn't ask I ordered. Without taking away his attention to the show he took off his shirt. It wasn't that bad, but I decided to clean it and give him a new bandage. 

"You know I'm sorry!" he whispered, what do he have to apologize for? "For what? It's me who should apologize for all this!" he shake his head and then met my eyes. "No absolutely not. I want to apologize because I hated you when we first met you. Your attitude and everything I thought you were mental!" I couldn't hold back a laugh. "You don't need to be sorry for that, stupid! It was all an act, my goal was to annoy you as much as possible!" I can't lie and after everything today with Stefan I don't think that plan would ever had worked. "Interesting!" he nodded and turned to the TV again.

When I was finished with the wound I turned around to. "Do you like cars?" he asked me, well duh? What did I just tell him what my favorite show was? "Yeah always been interested" we sat pretty close beside each other. I took up my legs and held them with my arms. "What's your dream car?" I didn't even think about it, "Chevy impala '69" he took his eyes off the screen and glared at me, "Are you serious?" totally confused I answered. "Yeah so what?" he thought about it and then, "because it's also Tyler's favorite and the '69 to. "A smile appeared on my lips, "So that idiot knows one thing then" I smirked at him and he just rolled his eyes.

Jake and I just sat there and watched episode after episode. Finally he fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. I wanted to move him so he could sleep more comfortable, but I didn't want to wake him up and he was heavy. I wasn't even tired, I had slept for some hours. So I just sat and continue to watch the TV. Now he laid his arm around me and held me. This is starting to feel awkward. I tried to move him carefully but he was much more heavier then what I could take in that position and he refused to let me go.

"Want some help?" behind me stood Tyler and laughed. For how long had he been there? "Yes please your moron!" He pushed him away like he was a feather. Wow that guy have strength.

"So you slept to long huh?" he sat down next to me on the other side because Jake had occupied one. "Yeah... Do you know who moved me to your bed?" he nod. "Me. I wasn't going to sleep so I thought you might like it there better." I gave him a small smile and turned my head to watch Jake sleep. He was sleeping like a baby. "how is he doc.?" He sounded worried. "He's fine and healing great." I like that doc. Part, suited me well instead for being called a mental break down or anything like that.

"What have you been up to?" he laid his arm on the back of the couch right behind my back. We sat very close now. "Business. Stuff you can't know about!"

~Tyler's POV~

I could nearly touch her now. She could be so annoying and now suddenly she is like a human being. I don't know it didn't feel good watch Jake hold her like that. I do not have feelings for this chick but it looked weird. She is very vulnerable right now, I can feel her still shaken up. I want to hold her but that would be wrong. 

"Why did Black Tears want to save you?" the question just slipped out before I had the chance of thinking about the right way to say it.

"they are my old gang" she simply said, still watching Jake. So she can answer questions.

"Your old gang?? So you were a part of them?" she nodded. "I was one of the founders and then I was the gangleader." Okay she had broke through my poker face luckily she didn't look at me. She cant be! The old leader of Black tears was my "soon-to-be-wife" this could not be her. 

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