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~Tyler's POV~

We heard a knock on the window at Haylee's side and she roughly rolled it down. "Yellow!!" she yelled and acted drunk. "What are you guys doing?" the deep voice asked. "You 'hick' know 'hick' my boyfriend here 'hick' say hey sweetie!" she dragged my arm and I just winked with a little smile still confused. 

"He was so 'hick' cute and picked me 'hick' up after a party 'hick'" she was now pointing a finger at the mirror like she thought that was him. "But I can't 'hick' go home 'hick' like this to my 'hick' parents!" she fell back on the seat like she was finished explaining and waved around with her hands. 

The guard looked more confused than me. "I'm sorry sir she had a little much to drink and she gets car sick so we just stopped here for a while so she could calm down" I explained to him. He glanced at Haylee again who now played with her hair and tried to chew it. And he looked back to me. "Fine but you need to go soon. You can't park here!" I nodded back.

"Nicely done! But next time heads-up!" I told her while she spit out hair from her mouth. "Why? It was more fun this way. You should have seen your face!" I grind my teeth. We had to get going back to the house, now the guards know that we sat there. We needed another plan.

Back at the house we explained what happened. "Shit! How are we going to do this now!" Nat complained and the other joined in. "So nobody is going to say something about they two kissing for the second time?!" Zach said. "Grow up Zach!" Haylee told him of and blushed, she was cute this way.

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