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~Haylee's POV~

When the others went in for another meeting I sat down on the couch with the numbers of the security I collected before. I know I've seen these before but I couldn't put my finger on it. They were high secured codes on this and the details... They were a mystery and I can't have any mystery when we are in action I need to solve every possible error that could happen.

When the meeting was over everybody gathered on the couch with me. "Wow for how long were we gone?" Jake asked while he sat down beside me. I had notes and paper everywhere with codes. "I can't break it! I know I've seen these before and I can't hack in to the system untraceable if I don't know the details!" I squeaked. Jake laid his arm around me and gathered all the papers in one pile. 

"Hey, hey you will solve this but what about a movie or anything so you can relax a bit?" I nodded slowly. Maybe he was right I felt like my head was going to explode with the codes. Tyler jump down on the other seat next to me and played the movie "Spy" with Melissa McCarthy, Jude Law I loved that comedy and especial because Jason Statham is in it. I love that man. And in spy he plays this comical roll Rick Ford. Rick? Rick... I jumped up and everyone else got scared. "I got it! Can someone give me a phone!? NO!!" I yelled. Nat throw hers in my hands and I ran outside and dialed the number.

"Haylee its midnight who are you going to call?" Tyler ran after me. "Ghostbusters!" came from the inside and laughter. "Shh!!" I told him and hold up one finger at him. "Rick here!" that voice, I will never forget it.

 "Hey Rick it's Haylee!" it went silent on the other end. "Haylee darling!! Where have you been? I haven't heard from you in ages!" Tyler just frowned with his face, he could hear everything. "Yeah I've been kind of busy Rick but I need your help with some information!" 

"Yes Yes of course! I'm in town tomorrow night at the tournament!" of course, the tournaments... "Actually 'lee we are one man down in the team in the final. Would you mind? You'll get the information then!" I looked up at Tyler who mimed "can you do it?" and I nod then he just nodded back that I should. "Yeah why not! But I want the deal and the usual 50-50!" Rick started to laugh of amusement in the background. "Would never dream about any different! I send you address and time to this number okay?" Tyler nod and gave me a thumbs up. "Okay and Rick I don't have the computers or anything here right now do you think..." he interrupted. "Of course of course! Everything for our all-star, I'll bring the usual tomorrow! Bye now I have lots to do!" I told him thanks and then we hanged up.

"What was that about?" Tyler asked. "I need some more information about the security to succeed do it without leaving any trace. I couldn't first put my finger on why it looked so familiar but it's Ricks. He was one of the creators to this. I thought I recognized the code writing. So everything we need, he got!" I was jumping of happiness now.

 "The tournament?" I forgot that part. I haven't competing since I was working for Rick and that was a very long time ago. "It's a hacker competition. I will competing the last round where you have to hack into some sort of security" he looked puzzled. "Okay, I think... But when is it tomorrow and when do we leave?" I shook my head. "It's at seven am but you can't come with! No gangleaders allowed only the gangs hacker and a maximum of two guards. The guards are not allowed to carry any weapon only the hacker are allowed to bring a maximum of two weapons" I listed up the rules like a robot, they have been printed in my head. 

"Fine but you will bring Zach and James. Our best fighters" I cough. "Okay they are our best except from you" he smiled. I was okay with them, they were calm and I know that they won't distract me under the competition. Both of them nodded to me, both smiling.

I decided to take an hour at the gym to clear of my mind a bit. I would finally be hacking again tomorrow and in the tournaments. They still haven't giving me a mission I couldn't solve so they are kind of frustrated of me. I was taking my fight with the bag again when Tyler entered. "So what do you say, a round?" he raised his arm as an invite and I only had one thought in my head, this was going to be fun.

Time to play a game with the GangleaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ