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~Tyler's POV~

I woke up when someone opened the door and I fell backwards in to my room. I looked up and saw Haylee looking down at me with disgust. "Haylee I...." She just walked over me and down. I sighed, I didn't remember everything that happened yesterday just a brief. 

 I walked in to the shower and stood there with my face in my hands. I had screwed up bad. Why? I had a great time with Haylee at first. I really thought we was going further and then... I punched the wall.

When I came downstairs everybody went silent. I ignored them, got some coffee and went out for air. I sat down on the stairs I had stood on when I watched Haylee standing on the lawn two days ago. It seemed like years. "Can I sit down?" a voice asked and I looked up and saw Jake. He had a black eye that I did remember. "Sure! I'm really sorry about the eye man!" he shook his head. 

"No boss I know how you are when you are drunk. And to be honest it's my fault to!" I looked confused at him. "I should never had stood between you and Haylee. I knew you just wanted to apologize but I didn't want you to..." he had a sad glint in his eyes. I knew the next part. "I like Haylee I do! But I know she doesn't have the same feelings, she likes you" he whispered. My heart was beating fast now. "I was just so furious at you yesterday because I told you not to hurt her and you did!" my heart stopped. "It was Jess who kissed me I didn't respond!!" I was speaking in high pitch now. "I don't know man what to think but Haylee is still furious about everything" I sighed, of course she is who could blame her.

We both went inside, Jake went to talk to the others and explain yesterday's events. For me, I was going to talk to Miss Moodrollercoaster. She was in my room laying down on my bed watching the TV. 

My heart fell down the earth and to china when I saw her cheek. It was swollen and a cut leap near her eyes and over near the nose. I kneeled down in front of her and slowly touched her cheek with my hand. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened! I can't believe that I did it!" a tear fell from her eyes and she pulled away her head from my hand. It stung in my heart.

 My phone buzzed. I looked at her but I didn't get any response. So I picked it up and checked it. A message from my mom.

About the party . Mr. and Mrs. McConnell will be there do you think you and Haylee maybe could play not being a couple? We haven't talked to them yet!

I sighed, perfect... "Hey my mom texted and told that my 'fiance's' parents will be at the party so she hoped that we could play not being together" she flinched at the word fiance but turned to me. "Fine, that will not be a problem. " She stood up and was about to walk out. "Where are you going?" she stopped without looking at me. "I was going to see if the girls wanted to join me to the mall and find dresses to the party." And she went out. What am I going to do?

~Haylee's POV~

"You know Jake explained everything to us what Ty said and it sounds like it's true!" Nat tried to get me on better thoughts about Tyler all day. "Yeah speaking of Jake how's his eye? How did he get it again? That's right from Tyler!" Nat sighed loudly.

 We were walking in the mall with Lisa who as usually remained silent. We were trying to find dresses for the party at Tyler's and Nat's parents, the whole gang was invited. "Come on guys what do you say of stop thinking or talking about Tyler and go and put on some dresses?" Lisa told us and dragged us into a dress store.

 We tried on hundreds of dresses and it was actually kind of fun. One at the time tried a dress came out and the other two decided. When I was about to go into the dressing room Nat's phone buzzed, she looked down and showed Lisa. "'lee we have to go out and make some calls we're soon back! Don't decide which dress without us!" I nodded and they walked out and I in to the room.

I put on a tight black dress and walked out to look in the mirror. I twirled and looked at every angle. It was actually pretty cute. "I think that's the winner!" a deep voice told. I spinned around and looked into Dwain's eyes.

"Dwain!!" it felt good to see him again. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. "What happened!!" he sounded terrified and touched my cheek where the cut after Tyler was. I grabbed his hand and pulled it down, "Nothing to worry about I promise!" he was still looking furious.

 "What are you doing here?" I asked him instead and hoped to lighten the mood. "Shopping for the walker's party" he tinted little on his head and glanced into my eyes. "Here? In a dress shop?" I smirked. "No, No I just saw a beautiful girl twirling around in here so I had to pay here a visit" I could feel my cheeks heated up as I blushed. But I was saved by the girls who just came in. "Hey Dwain!" Nat gave him a hug. "Hey girls! I have to go but see you at the party? All three?" the questions felt more for me than the others but we all nodded. 

"So what do you think?" I asked the girls when Dwain walked out. "That's the one! You have to wear it!" Nat squeaked, "You will make a certain one feel even more stupid from yesterday" Lisa smirked. I hadn't thought like that but I guess it's true. I couldn't stop smiling when we sat in the car and drove home.

When we were back I did everything I could to avoid Tyler. After some hours it seemed like he gave up the ide to try talking to me. Before I went up to bed, very late I hoped that Tyler already was asleep, I sat outside with Jake and Linus. 

"You know he is very sorry!" they were both trying to get me to talk with him. "You can both stop trying! I'm still mad at him and I don't know for how long, but deal with it!" I stood up and marched up to the room. Without any glance at Tyler I laid down at the couch and fell asleep.

Time to play a game with the GangleaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora