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~Haylee's POV~

"Come on hurry up! He is right behind us!" We ran back to the car and tried to doge the bullets that was fired at us. "You drive and I try to shot back!" I yelled to Stefan as he start the car. Their car was faster I tried to shot at them as distraction. They pushed our car and tried to push us of the road. They were now coming in on us and we couldn't get them off. Stefan tried to take different turns and hope they couldn't follow. But they were always on us. We were now closing in on a big curve and when I could look out over the mountains we heard a big CRASH. We fell, Stefan was screaming. My head hurts, my chest hurts. I could see the ground closing in. And a second CRASH.

I woke up again from the memory and this time I didn't check first. I ran into the bathroom and washed of all the blood. "Are everything okay?" Tyler asked with a husky voice. The blood wouldn't stop. "Yes yes nothing to worry about go back to sleep!" I tried to sound normal but that is hard when you holding paper on your nose. I could hear the bed squeak and he was coming. I couldn't lock the door before he came in. 

He looked scarred at me and rushed towards me and held my face in his hands. He checked my face in every angle. "What happened?" I released my head from his hold and start to wash my face again. "It's nothing" I lied, which I hate to do so he can see it right through with no troubles. "What happened Haylee?" My head was killing me and I needed air. I took an effort to come out of the room but he stood in the way. "HAYLEE what happened!" he grabbed my arms and refused to let me go.

 "I'm starting to have my memories back!" I screamed in his face. I lost my energy and fell down on the bathroom floor. "What? What do you mean?" he was puzzled he sat next to me and held my hands. "I recently started to have some memories coming back but every time it does my head hurts like hell and my nose starts to bleed" I was crying. Not because of the blood or the pain no because of the memories, how could I've been such a horrible person and tonight I remembered the accident. Someone was following us, wonder who.

After I calmed down a bit and my nose stopped bleeding Tyler followed me down and out to the backyard. It was nice standing outside in the fresh air and feel the breeze.

~Tyler's POV~

I watch her has she stood there in the morning sun on the lawn barefoot, her hair moved in the breeze, her eyes was closed when she breathed in the air. I can't put myself in that position, it must hurt to get back lost memories. It must hurt to relive it all over again. The sunshine hit her face and she smiled when she felt the heat against her skin. It was late summer soon autumn, this will all change. I walk up next to her.

"How are you feeling? Better?" she nodded eyes still shut. It felt like a bad timing to ask about the memories but I want to know so I can support her in a different way. "Are you sure you should go tonight?" what if this happens again? What if she's too weak and get attack? Sure Zach and James will be there but I will not. 

She opened her eyes and met mine. "yes of anything it will help me calm down even more" she smiled now. Her headache must be gone and her nosebleed had stopped before. "Come on take a little nap again, you didn't sleep much. So your head is on the top tonight!" I don't know anything about codes and stuff but that cant be easy for your brain to stare at them and not being well rested. "Yeah you're right but what if it happens again?" she was worried, that I can understand but she cant be afraid of sleeping.

 "I'll be in the room with you so don't worry!" she nodded. She went to sleep again pretty fast and I laid down with my computer. Lots of paper work that has to be done. The phone started to ring, George. "What now!" I spat. "Sorry boss but we have some problems down at the port! One of the dealers here says that he never got the drugs but that exact amount is missing!" how hard can it be? Siriusly I hire people like George so he can take care of this shit instead of me. "I send some of the members down!" I cant leave Haylee's side now I promised to stay and she already have enough trust issues. Plus its not that hard work just beat up the guy until he confess.

 I hanged up on George and texted Linus and Leo to come to the room. One minute later they knocked on the door. I slipped outside and told them about what George said. "He can never do his own work correctly!" Linus whined. "So boss what do you want us to do?" Leo asked and ignored Linus complains. "Go down to the port and take care of it! Don't forget your gloves and pull down your caps. Don't let anyone else see you!" They nod and walked out.

The guys didn't come back until 3 am and at the same time Haylee woke up. I had been dealing with my work and I can't remember last time I swore so much. We all sat down to eat, Haylee, James and Zack should soon go. "How did everything go at the port?" I asked the guys. "Fine George that idiot had counted wrong. When we came everything was like normal so we stayed for the transfer just in case" that's good. I started to feel that George is losing the grip of the dealers. We can't have that! I should go down with the others tonight and take a chat with some of them while Haylee is on that computer, hacker and number thing. Yeah it was long time since we all got some work done on the field. "While Haylee, James and Zach is away the rest of us goes on a check round!" No complains, good.

We all said goodbye to Haylee and the guys outside at the parking lot. I took Haylee on the side when the rest of the gang was mocking Zack and James for hanging out with nerds. "Hey call me if there is anything! Comeback soon as possible so we know you guys are fine!" she looked confused, that's not something I normally say but it had to be said. 

"Okay but everything is going to go smoothly! I've done this multiple times!" sure but she is supposed to be captured so you never know who will be there. "It's going to be mostly harmless nerds anyway!" she smirked and I couldn't hold a smile. To her surprise I gave her a hug. I don't know why I did that!! But she hugged me back. 

It came to my mind that this is the first time since she arrived that we will be separated this far away. They had to drive for three hours until they arrived. I hate that I can't come with because some stupid none-gangleader rule. What was that good for anyway? They sat in the cars and drove away, I didn't turn around until I no longer could see the car. "Okay guys go up and change to the right colors! Time to work!"

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