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~Haylee's POV~

I remembered Jake told me last night that I now lived in Lisa's room because that girl Jess is coming today. Why bother arguing, I feel bad for her, that Tyler using her.

 I had a huge hangover and decided to just stay in the room today and watch the TV. I didn't want anything to do with the drama that soon would be entered in this house. "Listen Haylee nobody here like her anyway, we all want to be with you instead of her. Can't you come down to the gameroom and we can kick the guy's asses in everything?" Nat said when she for the fifth time came in to check on me. I just shrugged, I was still angry at Tyler. He was the one that woke me up before and told me that I couldn't meet Dwain or talk to him. But he refused to answer why. I don't get it I think Dwain is nice it was nothing wrong with him. 

It was boring as hell in here, so I decided to go down to the others. I chose a pair soft shorts and a tank top and walked down. My head hurt and I felt nauseous it had been a while since I last partied. When I entered the room Lisa cheered loudly after  won a game in billiards.

"Do anyone else smell the scent of hangover? Cause I think it just entered the room!" Zach said loudly when he saw my arrived with a big smile and pointed at me over the others heads. "I'm sorry I thought that would be a better smell than loser" I quickly told him. He acted hurt and accidentally felled of the chair. 

 My mood quickly changed and I had fun. When Tyler came in we played air hockey, me and Linus against Jake and Zach. Linus and I gave each other high five after scored a point when Tyler began talk loudly, "Can everybody listen!" He really know how to kill the mood.

 "Jess is going to be here any minute now and Haylee she will attack you some way so please don't kill her, we don't want a murder insides this walls!" is he serious!? So I have to take the fall? "I'm not going to do anything to her. But if she so much as hit me with her finger I will smash her head into the wall and give you guys a new piece of decoration! And for the future that applies to every one of you too" I walked out for a smoke.

~Tyler's POV~

"She can't be serious right?" Leo asked carefully. "I think she is. After all she is Black tears old leader." I told him calmly. It wasn't until know I noticed that nobody then me knew that. They all looked frightened, "The knuckle guy?" Adam tried to ask like it wasn't that big deal. And I nod, "Damn remind me to never pick a fight with her!" I heard James say in a corner. Well they're not wrong.

I heard the front door open and Jess calling for me. The other guys ran out to the backyard. I sighed and walked to meet Jess. She was tan and had newly died hair. It even looked like she got a boob job. She jumped up in my arms and kissed me, I should break up with her now before anything else happens. Or tomorrow she just came. 

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