Episode 4: Family (Part 3)

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Amy's Pov, 10 minutes earlier
My partner Dale seems to be deep in thought about something. I quickly ask, "What are you thinking about"? He doesn't answer right away and decides to stop the car. He places his head in his hands and stays silent for a few seconds. All of a sudden he sits back up and pulls us to a stop in front of a restaurant.

He says, "Sorry I just didn't want to think in the middle of the street". I nod and he glances out to the people on the sidewalk before turning back to me. "We've been looking for the clown killer for a really long time. He disappears for a while and then all of a sudden reappears. Then when he does reappear he seems different, more calculated, more precise, and using stealth in his kills. However when he first appeared he was fierce, sloppy, and cocky as if he didn't care if we found him or not."

He continued, "Not to mention that two days ago we received reports of certain people claiming to see a man dressed in a clown costume. Then on that same day Mrs.Monem, who had been missing for about almost three days shows up randomly near the site of an explosion. We visited her home after she ran away but she wasn't there."

"However, going back to the explosion there were three people who disappeared that same day and they all are in the same school. Ms.Edith, Mr.White and Mr.Smith were the ones. When we arrived at the scene of the explosion I ran ahead and saw Zeke Washington getting into the car usually driven by Jeff Romber. He has been noted to drive that car before, however you always cut your nephew slack and ignored it. It is quite suspicious to be at a place where an explosion just happened".

I finally interrupted, "What are you implying"?

He simply replied, "Perhaps there is more than one clown and Mr.Smith and Mr.White kidnapped Ms.Edith as she became aware of what they were doing. Then Zeke is coming to the school to pick up Charlie and he sees this happening so they follow the other two, cause a scene and run away. The criminals believe their cover is blown and decides to go into hiding. That's what I personally believed happened because yesterday both Zeke and Charlie seemed to get nervous when we questioned them about the explosion".

"So what do you suggest we do"?

He says"Do a bit of investigation on Charlie and Zeke's house. After all we have been given permission to do anything and everything to catch that serial killer".

Matt's Pov, 7 minutes later
I was walking towards the hospital that Jess would be in. Zeke promised he would come downstairs and help me and he did. However right as we got off the elevator I got a call from my mother. She wasn't making much sense. She said something about coming to rescue me tomorrow but that she was too busy today. Then she hung up. I walked out of the elevator and let Zeke lead me to the room. As we entered Zeke asked, "I always hear your mother but I've never actually seen her, what's the deal with that"?

I considered not answering but I eventually give in, "Mary Mire".

Zeke's mouth fell open, "THE Mary Mire? The famous one who's famous all over the world"?

"Yup that's my mom. Kinda sad that she has to disguise herself when she wants to see me. Her show makes her really recognizable. She sends me large amounts of money every two weeks to care for myself though. It makes up for her never being around". I feel a bit saddened that she thinks money would fix her not showing enough love and care.

Jess, her mother, Max and Jeff were all waving at and saying hi to me. On the other side of the room was Ryan Lambert. I looked on in surprise for a few moments. Then I ran up to Jess and gave her a huge hug. I say hi to everyone else and then notice that it just started raining. I walk over to the window and look outside and see that it went from just a cloudy day to sudden pouring rain. I feel a bit at peace for a few seconds. Until I see an explosion happen somewhere across town.

Kevin's Pov, 45 minutes earlier
I sat in a dark room, looking at the man in front of me. He looked up expectedly and asked, "Have you found the right people yet boss"?

I looked down at him and nodded. I got down from the chair I sat on and said, "They happen to be here right now". I walked over to the door and opened it. They began coming in and they were wearing the clown masks I had gotten them. There was something distinct and different about each mask that I had given. They were meant to symbolize their personality and traits or even just things about them.

The clown standing at the front had a mostly white mask with red lines trailing down all of the sides. There was a spot on the cheek that was green and had a number one in it. The mask covered his entire face except the eyes and mouth. However the teeth that had been apart of the mask had been ripped out, allowing me to see a nice looking mouth inside. The next one was a girl who had lots of small crazed faces drawn on her white mask. Her mask covered the top half of her face.

The next ones were three males who were either really close or were actually brothers, I didn't really care either way. The one on the left had a word on his mask. That word was mind. It was written in red and seemed to contrast the blue mask. The one on the right had the word time in the exact same place, except for the fact that his mask was silver. The one in the middle had the word eyes written in the same place, but his mask was purple.

Their masks covered their whole face except for the mouth and eyes. It was too dark to see their eyes however. The man who was staring at the rest of the clowns said, "That bitch Mire decided she was no longer interested in me. I may have lost Smith and White but I got something much better".

I asked, "I picked you all for a reason. Can one of you tell me what that reason is"?

The girl answered, "We were chosen because we think the current world is boring. We believe that the world seems to have stopped moving and we wish to correct it. Our reason for being brought together is to use the coming events of Friday to deliver sadness and madness to the soon to be weakened world and cause the world to gain motion once more".

I exclaimed, "Yes, bring chaos to the world. Unfortunately, because the chance that I'll lose on Friday is too high I have decided to turn over my leadership".

The man on the ground asked, "Are you finally giving me my job back and letting me lead again"?

I shook my head, "Sorry but I picked the leader already".

I pointed at the clown with the red lines and green number one and he smiled.

The man on the ground stuttered, "B-but I-i d-don't believe-".

I interrupted, "If you really wish to be the leader then you can simply fight him for the title. But you're kinda weak so I suggest you simply work under him. If you continue to work in the clowns there's a chance you could possibly meet your sons again, but if you challenged him and died here then there would be no chance of that would there, Mr.Domon"?

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