Episode 5: End Of The World

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Alex's Pov
My body feels weird. Like I can do anything. It also kinda feels like I'm not in it. I just remembered that I ate my mother a few hours ago. She's been dead for months. I simply believed she was alive but I don't really care now. I feel my strength returning as the devil injection wears off. In a few seconds I pull on the rope tying my hands together. I feel a slight burning sensation but then it snaps and my hands are free. The man in the Jason mask was simply watching to see what I'd do next. Might as well call that freak Jason since he wants to be him so much. Did he actually think he helped me? If he didn't want me to kill him then he could have simply trained me the normal way.

I then push my feet forward. Pulling on the chain while pushing my feet wasn't the best idea, but I no longer care. I heard a loud crack come from my feet as they twist in an unnatural way. Had this been two days ago I would've been screaming my head off. However I've had much worse happen and I'm pretty used to pain now. Getting tortured for two years isn't fun. I removed the chain from my feet. Blood began slowly coming from the wounds but a few seconds later the wounds began to heal and my bones whirled back into place.

I took my first steps in two years and fall to the ground. I had actually forgotten how to walk. I took a while to rise. Eventually I climbed to my unsteady feet. I wobbled for a few steps but eventually got the hang of it. I looked next to the chair I had been tied and chained too and saw the clothes that Jason had removed before I had awoken two days ago. I put them on. I then took a small step towards Jason. I was almost happy Jason had been cutting my hair since I hated it too long. He had actually been cutting it because he didn't want my hair to get in my eyes because he wanted me to see everything that happened to me. I took another small step towards Jason.

I squeezed my hands a few times and took a bigger step towards Jason. I was about 3 steps away now. He was still simply staring at me. He must've figured I didn't plan to attack him because I hadn't picked up the weapons he had tortured me with. But I simply wanted to do it with my own two hands. I took another bigger step. I cracked my fingers and my toes and my neck. I took another bigger step. I gathered up all my anger and directed it into my fist.

I took the final step and was now right in front of Jason. I looked up into his glowing red eyes that shown from inside the mask. I smiled at him. It might have been a cold, crazy, angered, or genuine smile. However I couldn't read his face since he was wearing a mask. He didn't seem to react so I simply shrugged and pulled my fist back. I then threw the hardest punch I've ever thrown. I barely felt the impact but I heard a big crack as Jason stumbled back a few steps before falling to the ground. Blood dripped down from behind the mask while dropping to the ground.

He seemed surprised but he simply removed the mask from his face. I looked at the face of my torturer and the same face that would soon be lifeless. It wasn't shockingly evil. It was just a guy with light blond hair, a bit of a beard, and the eyes of those special people the old man had been talking about. I was honestly now curious what his eyes would look like with their normal color. His clothes were the clothes Jason wore in the third movie so I was now curious what this guy wore on a normal day. However I pushed my curiosity aside and lunged forward, fully ready to hurt him again.

He seemed to focus for a few seconds. My fist was about to become best friends with his face when suddenly he released it. Which of the four types of wings does this guy have? I was going too fast so I slam into it as it flung me far backwards. As I regain my footing I suddenly see 2 large, purple, thick, glowing assault mode strength tentacles . It's weird how only one type of assault tentacles are technically still wings and those are the quick-fire wings. However I wasn't the guy who made them and the guy who did has been too weakened to actually think. God couldn't help me right now.

I decide to use it. I didn't want to use it since I had killed my mother with these special tentacles. Bringing out my assault strength tentacles brought an emotional pain rather than a physical pain. I pushed it to the back of my mind as 3 glowing, red, long, wide tentacles came out from the middle of my back. I slowly moved them around to test my control over them since it's been a while since I used them. He charged at me. I couldn't keep up and he punched me so hard I flew a few feet backwards.

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