Episode 5: End Of The World (Season Finale)

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Charlie's Pov, 11 hours later
Why? Mom.....are you....? I open my eyes. The sun's light was coming through the window. I didn't feel it. Not the usual warmth I got when it's rays were on me for a while. I felt cold. And just...empty. I sit up and push my hair out of my face. "What a week", I mumble. I glance around the room. Games, game systems, comics, and candy wrappers were scattered all across the room. Luckily, I managed not to trip over any in the darkness earlier, but luck was on my side I guess. The room was mildly filled. It had a dark green wallpaper on the walls. I let out a sigh as I noticed that I was in the bed, alone.

I got up and quickly made a decision to stretch before walking towards the exit to the room. My head was pounding, which may or may not have had something to do with a bat getting swung against it. I open the door and step through. There was a bathroom on this floor, but nobody was in it. I heard some noise coming from downstairs. So, I decided to walk down and investigate. Before feeling comfortable using the bathroom or doing anything else, I just needed to know if everything about the house was....safe. I didn't feel ecstatic about being with people I had met only 2 days ago.

I began walking downstairs. Going slowly at first but speeding up towards the bottom. Finally, I heard a light sizzling sound and smelled the smell of food. Breakfast. I began looking around and trying to smell my way to wherever the kitchen was. And I eventually found it. I then saw Alex, and Cody talking together in the kitchen. My eye's widen at the sight of Alex being back. "I thought you had stuff to do. With your father?"

Alex glances back at me. "That stuff didn't take eleven hours. So I came back over here. Hope you don't mind."

I couldn't bring myself to smile. "Oh. I see." I looked towards the ground. "Alex. Why do I feel so weird?" My hair came down as I look down. "So empty."

Alex gave a sigh. "Dunno. I'm not too good at using my powers at the moment. My body was given dark energy, from the devil. And I feel like everything is on restart. I've mostly relied on my own strength since a few hours ago. But, even weakened like this, I sense something dark coming from inside you. I gave you a piece of my powers, but myself being weakened resulted in the power being weakened, so I have no idea what's wrong with you."

I let out a sigh. "I didn't ask for that entire lecture on why you don't know. I just asked if you knew or not, because I was feeling weird." I shift on my feet.

Alex gave his eyes a roll. "Whatever. I'm just telling you what I know."

Cody awkwardly glances between us. "I'm gonna...just....look for Nathan." Cody left the kitchen.

I ignored him. "Well I asked for a simple answer and not this complicated stuff I have no clue about."

Alex got an annoyed look on his face. "Well, excuse me for trying to talk about my information."

"I don't really care, I've had a long week, my mind isn't focused on you."

"You think you're the only one who had a long week?"

I gave a shrug. "You're God. You have powers. You're almighty. Get over it."

Alex now fully glared at me. "What's your problem?"

"I thought you already answered that."

"Stop being fucking smart, Charlie. I'm asking a simple question."

"And I gave you a simple answer."

Alex began walking towards me. "Okay. You're seriously annoying me now."


"So stop. I'm your best friend. Stop treating me like I'm your enemy." He put his hands on my shoulders.

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