Main Character Profiles

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Some of you may be a bit confused. You may be like, "Deathlover, there are so many more characters in the book than in this chapter". Well, this chapter is only for characters I think are main, as in they've been in the story for a good portion of it, have relevance to the plot, and have been focused on enough that you even care to read about said character. So, characters like Gunther, who has said very few lines, or characters like the new Washington sister, are not on this list. That also goes for anyone else who isn't in the story till the end, or were missing for a good chunk of the story, because then I don't consider them mains yet, since they haven't contributed much or at all to the plot.

Name: Charlie Washington
Age: 13
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Gender: Male
Likes: Nice People, Cute boys, And animals
Dislikes: Feeling weak, Mean People, And himself
Features: Carrot colored hair, Orange eyes, Skinny
Status: Alive
Personality: Shy and Nerdy
Additional info: Charlie has always been a shy boy who wanted to fit into the crowd. Since most of the people in his school know of Zeke they all expected him to be a certain way. However since he isn't the way they expected he was constantly bullied for most of middle school. However towards the end of 7th grade the bullying mysteriously died down. He secretly suspected Zeke of having something to do with this, however Zeke constantly denied any knowledge of the event. His self-esteem is dangerously low and because of the constant bullying in worst cases brings up suicidal thoughts.

The one thing he can't stand is when he thinks of himself and remembers how disgusting and disappointing he is. He heard of how the kids in his class bring up the horror of gay people as if they were another species. Even worse is how people talk about incest like a new plague. He hates himself for being this way but he also harbors a small amount of hatred at most of the school. The fact that they act like being gay is something they choose on purpose disgusts him. He also feels a deep guilt at feeling jealous because Alex seemed to have a perfect life and he can't have that.

Name: Alex Bennett
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Gender: Male
Likes: Reading, Hanging out with friends, And Protecting Charlie
Dislikes: Bullies, Loud Snoring, And fake friends
Features: Snow colored hair, bright white eyes, a nice looking body
Status: Immortal
Personality: Outgoing and curious
Additional info: Alex has always had a difficult life. He made his life sound nice so his friends wouldn't worry about him. He doesn't do this voluntarily, however his mind simply couldn't handle the stress and cruelness of his father so he subconsciously rewrote his memories about his parents. In his spare time he often finds himself wondering why some of his memories don't add up. He often ends up forgetting things and wondering off, this can be seen when he just leaves Charlie in episode one and goes on his own. He also has the habit of swiping his fingers through his hair when he's lying or nervous.

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