Episode 4: Family (Final Part)

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Charlie's Pov, Present time
Where am I? I zoned back in and remembered. The answer to that is I went to Lory's house. She asked if it was okay to take us somewhere before she went to work. I agreed and she got Jacob and Emma ready and drove us to a house on the edge of town. I had been greeted to the chilly air of early morning. We had walked down a rocky path with bright green grass. Had come up to a house that was littered with colors, unlike my own boring white house. When she unlocked and opened the door I was greeted with a slightly thick, hostile air. It felt weird. It felt like this was a house to be murdered in.

However instead of a crazed, axe-wielding, maniac I was instead greeted by a peaceful, soft spoken, kind looking old man. I wondered who the man was when suddenly Jacob ran up to the old man and excitedly said, "We've missed you so much. It's great to see you again grandpa"!

The man smiled and said, "It's nice to see you guys too. Why don't you guys head inside while I talk to your mother and this new stranger". They nodded and ran inside. The old man walked up to Lory and asked, "Have you found him yet"?

Lory shook her head no and the old man let out a sad sigh. Lory pulled out her phone and swore. She hurriedly told him, "Charlie here is pretty much a babysitter. I asked him to do this job because about two months ago my husband wouldn't stop talking about him. He would never say where he lived or anything but he talked about him finding our son and becoming a 'success'." She turned to me and said, " I wasn't completely honest and I'm sorry Charlie".

"It's alright, I guess". Truth be told I hadn't really been listening that much and hadn't registered what she said. She began walking away.

I yelled out, "Wait"! Pausing her in her tracks. She turned back towards me. I registered what she said and then remembered. "I've noticed Jacob looks a lot like his father. However the only thing Emma seems to have in common is your pale body. So does she have a different father? If it's okay for me to ask".

Lory smiled and said, "Curiosity is always welcome Charlie. Emma is actually adopted though."

"Oh okay", I said nodding my head.

Lory then said, "We can talk more later but I have to get to work, tell Jacob and Emma I love them and I'll see them later". I nodded again as she went off back towards her car. She drove away. The old man waved and I quickly noticed he was staring at me. His grey hair moved slowly in the wind. Dark blue eyes blinking very slowly. He grabbed my shoulder, leaned close to my face and took a big sniff. I pulled away quickly, creeped out and slightly confused.

He smiled and his pupils turned blood red and the area around that turned black. I gasped. His eyes were identical to my left eye. I then came to a realization that this was the family that scientist was talking about. My life had been kinda chaotic that I kinda forgot the promise he had made me. I suddenly felt a horrible monster unleash itself in my stomach. I was hungry. My stomach was so loud the old mans eye's widened in surprise. I asked, "Can I please have some food"?

He said, "If my sense of smell is right then you might not be able to eat normal human food". He pulled out a banana from his pocket. I almost questioned why he kept a banana in his pants but I was too hungry to really care. I peeled off the outer skin of the banana and then took a bite. I immediately spat it out as the urge to throw up overwhelmed me. I figured something was wrong so I took a smell. It smelled horrible but looked fine. I threw it to the ground. The old man said, "Sniff really hard. If you find something that appeals to your nose you may eat that food".

I didn't want to but I was really freaking hungry. I took a deep breath and took a big sniff. What the hell? I can smell so much so clearly but everything smells weird. Oh wait, I found something. The old man stepped to the side and allowed me to enter the house. The smell was faint at first, however as I got closer it slowly became clearer.

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