10| Unbalanced Land

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Chapter 10:Unbalanced Land

Can we all just pause for a moment and appreciate how Diego Barrueco looks insanely gorgeous in that outfit?

Edited: 2/6/21

🖤Zoe's P.O.V

"Woah, this tree house is amazing." I murmured, glancing around in awe.

The house was enough to fit at least five person and was built with the trunk of the tree being in the middle. Flower pots were set up in the mini patio and wooden fence to prevent someone from falling unto the high ground.

There's a ladder that leads you up the tree house. Excitement in my system at being able to try it out.

He glanced at me briefly, a ghost of smile on his lips as if reminiscing."I know."

"Can we go up?" I ask, clasping my hand together.

"You've never been to a tree house before?" He wonders, staring at me.

"Sadly I didn't." I avoided his eyes, growing embarrassed."I haven't seen one either. This is my first time." I admitted.

He froze for a moment, staring at me in bewilderment."Don't you have friends before? This was everyone's childhood."

"Nobody wanted to play with the kid who gets easily sick. I was known as the diseased girl before." I chuckled, trying to ignore the way my heart pinched.

"What about Neo? You're twins right?" He scratched the back of his head, somehow sensing my unease.

"We are but Neo was and still is the social butterfly between us. I wouldn't want to impose on him." I answered truthfully.

Not wanting to talk about it any further, I stepped forward and took a hold of the rope and starting to climb on it.

When I was on top, I quickly leaned against the railing. Tyrone staring at me, his honey eyes intense.

"We don't have all day Tyrone!" I shouted, taking note of how the flowers bloomed beautifully.

A few creaks can be heard as Tyrone climb up. His head popping from the opening before pulling himself up.

Making his way to the door. I found myself following after, stopping him in his tracks and turning to look at me.

"Why'd you stop?" My brows furrowed, glancing at the door briefly before turning back to him.

"You can't come inside." He bit out, a scowl forming on his lips.

"Why?" I asked, suddenly feeling like an idiot for being so excited.

"This is a sacred place between my friends and I. Meaning you don't have the privilege to enter, besides, we aren't officially friends." He states, his voice stern.

"I understand, I'll be just waiting here then." I felt a pang of hurt at his words but covered it up with a smile instead.

He looked at me for a second before making his way inside. Turning to stare at the green scenery while I waited for him.

At the sound of the door closing, I let my lip tremble. Trying to keep my tears in bay as his words stung deeply.

I tried to keep my emotions in check. The door opening a few minutes with Tyrone holding a map.

"Are you ready?" He asks, turning to me.

Covering my pain, I gave him a smile."Ready as I'll ever be carrot."

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