43| Babysit

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Zoe's P.O.V

"This was totally not part of our deal!" I hissed, entering his place with Grumpy walking beside me.

Aron rolled his green eyes, closing the door."My friends are basically non-existent Zoe and you're the only help I could think off."

I placed my bag on the couch and paper bag with it, bending down to take Grumpy's leash of and placing it on the table.

My eyes glanced around the place that Aron's been temporarily staying since then, the address he gave me was near the sketchy place in town but his place wasn't that half bad.

There weren't any pictures on the wall and the house seemed bared. The small couch where I placed my things on looked old but still sturdy, the small tv was placed on a table with a trashcan near it.

I walked around and was greeted by a small foyer that led to the kitchen where a medium size dining table was there with a countertop that had a few spoons and fork littering on it.

Across the foyer was a small hallway and I'm guessing it was where the rooms was located and bathroom

Grumpy was sniffing around Aron who was now kneeling to his small frame, going completely still as he let my baby become familiar with him.

When Grumpy started wagging his tail and licked his hand, Aron gave him a smile and started giving him a head rub.

"Where's your little brother? Did his fever go down?" I asked, making my way to the paper bag.

When Aron told texted me that he needed help, imagined my panicked state because I thought he was once again stab.

It turns out that his little brother got sick and his nanny was out of town to take care of him. Aron himself didn't know how to deal with a sick child and so he called me.

I went to the pharmacy and got his brother some syrup for his high fever and cough, even got him some cold packs to help it cool down.

"I checked before you came in and it was 37.8C. I'm having trouble in making him eat. He's in his room, come." He nodded his head for me to follow.

"He isn't allergic to dogs right? Is it okay for Grumpy to come near him?" I asked, glancing at the little guy walking with us.

Aron nodded, glancing at him briefly."Casper isn't allergic to dogs. He loves animals." He answered, opening a door that had chipped painting on it.

I couldn't help but feel bad for them. I knew they weren't used to living in this kind of place and it saddens me that it was because of their selfish father that they had to go through this.

The room was smaller than my own, a small bed was pushed in the corner with a child not older then five was sleeping soundly with a teddy bear hugging to his chest.

The ceiling fan was doing a small sound while it spin and there were a few toys that were littered on the ground. A cabinet was in the corner and a small desk that had crayons sprawled on top of a paper next to it.

Aron walked up to the little boy, his body somehow looking crowded in the small room.
I left the door opened and Grumpy sat near the door, his tongue out while he panted.

"Hey bud, how are you feeling? I have someone I want you to meet." Aron softly said, pushing a blonde lock away from his face.

The child stirred gently before letting out a yawn, sitting up and opening his eyes. I suck in a sharp breath of intake, finding beautiful pale green eyes meeting my own.

"Hi Casper, I'm Zoe. I'm gonna be nursing you back to health, yey!" I nervously said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

Casper was adorable with his tuffs of curly blonde hair, his cheeks were slightly red from his fever and his doe eyes were framed in thick lashes.

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