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Zoe's P

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Zoe's P.O.V

I tried not to cry, I really did but seeing so many people standing in front of his coffin made everything in me break.

He thought people hated him for being him and for being an asshole most of the times but one thing he didn't know was he was loved by many for just being himself.

Death is a reminder how special and unique a life of each person is. We are reminded of the kind of life that they lived and what their sacrifices are.

Tyrone had an arm wrapped around me, trying to calm me down. Grumpy was sitting on my feet, staring sadly as well.

We pulled away at the sound of someone's loud footstep approaching before the door banged open.

"How dare you cuddle! Did you know what your Grumpy did to my Attitude? HE MADE HER PREGNANT!"

I moved my gaze away from the TV screen and wiped my tears away, glancing at Tyrone before turning to meet the furious eyes of Aron Thompson.

Standing at twenty eight years old wearing a fancy suit and leather shoes, Aron had the confidence of a business man but still had a heart of a child.

Yes, the asshole is still alive and very much earning a name through his own business.

After that very day, Aron was rushed to hospital and thankfully had managed to pull through.

Remy was charged in life-long prison and all his illegal assets were surrendered. The company was being run by his friend and all the earnings were donated to charity until now.

Aron took up business and graduated with flying colors, it's been three years since he started his own company and it's been growing since then.

"Attitude is pregnant?" I gasped excitedly, moving out of the bed while placing a protective hand on my protruding belly.

After being married for three years now, Tyrone and I finally tried to concieve. I was in my last weeks of pregnancy, my due date being next week.

I was surprised that Reaper wasn't here today considering he was the god father of my child.
He tends to be overprotective like Tyrone and would fuss over me.

Reaper became more of a father figure to me than Jack ever did. Reaper and I just sort of clicked and it wasn't a surprise why it was him who walked me down the aisle.

Tyrone and my family loves him and his motorcycle club. Even Aron and Casper were adored by them.

Aron crouched down before picking up his pug who wore a pink collar with the name tag 'Attitude' on it before pointing at Grumpy.

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