47| His Medicine

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Zoe's P.O.V

"I can't wait to decorate!"

We all rolled our eyes at the gleeful voice that my mother had. Decorating is something that she takes seriously and we all had to participate.

I finished eating my eggs and bacons, bringing my plate to the sink before making my way upstairs.

Shaking my head at the side of grumpy passed out in the hallway. I'm not even surprise, its like 90% of the time he's asleep.

I quickly took a shower and changed into a grey rib croptop, leather jacket, black high-waisted jeans, and some ankle boots.

Letting my hair in it's loose state, I applied a little bit of concealer and dabbed a red lipstick on my lips and cheeks before grinning.

Really not hygienic but eh, it works for me.

"Mom? Where's Neo?" I asked, glancing around the living room.

She raised a brow at this."He's in his bedroom darling. Stealing his car keys?" She asks, making my cheekily grin.

I nodded, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear."You're indeed my mother, mom. Tell him I'll be back later in the evening. I love you, bye!"

Taking the car keys on the hook, I made my way outside. I felt like an evil sister stealing his car and I couldn't help but wear my sunglasses as if to bask in the smugness.

I backed away from the driveway, turning the radio on and listening to some Taylor Swift songs.

It's currently ten in the morning and I'll be seeing Casper later at one in the afternoon. I thought of buying him a gift hence why I'm currently on my way to the mall.

The drive there wasn't far and I was walking towards the entrance before I knew it. I've been thinking all night of what I'll get him and even thinking of buying a gift for Tyrone and Aron.

I can't buy gifts for my family yet since we haven't done the pick the name where we basically pick a piece of paper that had their names on it and will be the one we'll be giving a gift.

I hope I pick Neo, he's the most undemanding person when it comes to gifts. The rest of them always makes an effort to state their wants.

The mall was packed and it was probably because Christmas is fast approaching. I walked in a random toy store and glanced at the rows of different toys.

What should I get him? I remembered Aron mentioning me that he already had a set of animal teddy bears in their house.

"What are you doing here?" I ripped my gaze away from the frog teddy bear and turned to the voice.

"What are you doing here?" My eyes taking in denim jeans and simple tee of a smirking Jett.

He shrugged."I'm picking a gift for my son." Jett casually replied, glancing at the teddy bear I've been staring at.

"What? You're a dad?" I gasped, before quickly clearing my throat."I'm not judging you or anything. Dads are cool, I mean from what I can remember but that's not the point. Who's the mother? She's not from school? Oh my gosh! Don't tell me you're a single da-"

Jett quickly walked up to me, placing a hand on his mouth making me stop my rambling. His eyes were amused and soft laughter escaped his lips.

"I don't have a son cherry, I was just playing with you and no, I'm only single without the dad in it." He cheekily said, earning a swift punch from me.

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