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Chapter 2

'When life
seems to beat
you down,
dare to fight

More trees

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More trees. That has been my scenery for the past few days. Just trees. It feels like so long ago that I stepped into the human town to steal.

Claw marks. Claw marks are deeply etched in the tall trees. A territory. I'm about to pass a line that separates neutral land to pack land. Do I want to risk it?

Hell yeah!

The small surge of power tingles in my veins as I pass the invisible line and instantly I'm hit with the smell of pack wolves. This is probably going to be the people who look out for rogues such as myself.

Adrenaline shoots through my body as I attempt to think of every situation I could possibly get myself in.

A smirk reaches my face. A fight. I've been craving one for a long time. Bring it on.

Wind caresses mycheeks gently, carryin the smell of another wolf and aiding me. Closing my eyes for a split second, I call to my wolf, feeling the spark of power reach my fingertips as I do so. I really missed this.

The sensation of claws erupting from my skin fills me with pure joy as the wind picks up it's pace, urging me to begin the fight.

Turning swiftly, the twigs under my worn out shoes break under the pressure and I force my newly turned paw across the front of the attackers body.


The attacker stumbles backwards, clutching his chest in pain. Crimson blood pours in betweem his trembling fingers and he looks up, eyes wide in fear.

"How does she even do that?"

"Why isn't she showing us her face?"

One seemingly annoying voice echoes from each direction. I growl in frustration as more people attack me and forcefully shove my claw in random places, hoping to the Goddess above that I hit them.

The plain black fabric covering half of my face that I had stolen earlier from the human town sticks against my face as I inhale deeply, fury filling each corner of my mind.

I close my eyes yet again, opening snd closing my hands. My ears tune into the finest of sounds, the crunch of leaves, the noise of the wind. Anything to ignore the voice and to calm down.

More werewolves approach me, snapping me out of my daze. I slowly open my dark brown eyes, locking them with the closest person to me. I plaster the facade I know the most on my face and smile widely, flashing my pearly whites at the female warrior.

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