The Animal Within

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Date 2-27-17

Hey everyone! If you couldn't tell, the picture up top is a fox. I think it's super cute and I wish I had a pet fox. But they cost $9000. Anyone have that much cash sitting around?

So here's a fair warning: this chapter contains violence. This is a vampire story, in case you forgot, so violence is basically required XD

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's mostly a serious one.

Word Count: 3118


Chapter 10: The Animal Within

"Did you enjoy your dinner last night, Adrian?" Matt asks Adrian lazily, as if it doesn't matter, but Adrian sees Matt is watching Adrian closely.

And Adrian knows that by "dinner" Matt means Paige, the girl he sent to Adrian's room last night.

Adrian's smile doesn't falter for even a millisecond. "Yeah. I had a great dinner. You?" Adrian questions casually.

"Oh yeah. I had a buffet." Matt says with a dreamy looking stare off to the side. Adrian tenses up, but immediately relaxes so that Matt doesn't notice.

"It's great news Adrian. I'm glad to hear that you're not the same bashful guy you were when I met you."

And by bashful, Matt means that Adrian wouldn't drink human blood. He would've been forced to that night, outnumbered by all of those vampires, if not for the fact that they'd already drank everyone dry.

At that time, Adrian was attempting to live off of animal blood. It was mostly pig blood from markets in small towns Adrian would pass through. He was traveling a lot back then.

Adrian shrugs and responds in a tense, expected way, like it pains him to think of that time. In some ways it does, because Adrian can no longer imagine drinking pig blood to survive. It was never enough. "People change."

Matt's smile drops from his face as he pauses, not even breathing, squinting at Adrian for a full minute. Everyone becomes silent, the humans surrounding Matt staring at Adrian, trying to figure out why Matt is staring at him.

Then the smile spreads back on Matt's face, goofier looking than ever. "Indeed it is. Indeed it is."

Matt looks down at the floor, fixated on it like there's some clue to a better life hidden there if you concentrate hard enough. It honestly makes Adrian want to laugh.

"So what have you been up to?" Adrian risks asking, pulling Matt's eyes away from the floor.

"I slept all day so I could come out here with these lovely people." Matt exclaims, flipping his black hair to the side with wide eyes.

That means Matt didn't see the news. But that doesn't mean he wasn't behind the wreck.

Adrian feels his fury building up again, pushing harder to jump out and make Matt pay. "What kind of car do you have, Matt?" Adrian purposely calls him Matt to show that he's friends with him. And by the way Matt's eyes light up, it's working. This is one crazy, confusing vampire.

Adrian briefly wonders if he's this bad, never making sense all the way, but figures he's not.

"No. No, I don't have any car. I repel technology of this age. It's a dilemma really." Matt replies, turning to his groupies. They all nod eagerly, seemingly ready to please Matt however he wishes. Cringe.

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