Acting is Crucial

85 11 18

Date 5-31-17

Hey everyone! I thought the gif above is good for the scenes in this chapter with Lucas.

Word Count: 2867


Chapter 23: Acting is Crucial

"I've been tracking Lucas for miles. They left this state. I'm standing on the border for Missouri and Kansas." Adrian tells Monique over the phone.

"Keep going!" Adrian hears Lena say. Monique must've put the call on speakerphone. Adrian rolls his eyes. Obviously Adrian is going to go on.

Adrian's been running on foot for two hours. It's going to be awhile longer until he makes it to wherever they've taken Lucas.

"You do know I have school tomorrow, right?" Adrian teases, aiming his dry humor towards Lena.

Adrian pulls the phone away from his sensitive ear as Lena starts yelling into the phone. "Okay, okay. I'm going." Adrian says with a laugh. He didn't even listen to what Lena said.

"Just be careful, okay?" Monique tells Adrian with concern. "Don't underestimate these hunters."

"Come on, Monique. You know me. I always underestimate the hunters, then they live down to the level I set for them." Adrian replies wittily.

"Adrian." Monique says in a warning tone.

"I'll be fine. See you later." Adrian says, not waiting for an answer as he hangs up.

Then Adrian takes off into Kansas to find and rescue Lucas.


Through a haze of blinding pain, Lucas hears the boss speaking to him. "If you're not a vampire, then how aren't you dead yet?"

Lucas doesn't answer because his body is struggling to heal through the gut wrenching pain. Lucas stops breathing and his heart starts beating faster.

There's a moment of silence until Lucas tries to breathe through the pain, but only succeeds in spitting up blood.

"You aren't dying, right?" The boss asks, sounding uncertain now.

Lucas wants to scream at this hunter to say yes, he is dying, but there is not enough air in his lungs to form words. Lucas ends up making a soft gurgle in his throat, then his vision starts turning black.

The hunter moves and puts his hand on Lucas' arm. "Why aren't you healing? Why are you warm and not ice cold?"

It's only been a little over a minute since the hunter stabbed Lucas in the chest, but he's already bled out so much that he shouldn't survive.

But beneath the white hot fiery pain that Lucas is feeling and right before his vision disappears completely, Lucas senses that the healing process has finally started making progress.

Lucas somehow knows the bleeding has stopped, and he feels the hole in his lung begin to close.

Lucas blinks and his eyesight starts to clear, seeing the hunter at the now open door, talking to someone on the other side.

"He's not healing...I could've sworn..." The hunter's voice moves in and out of focus as Lucas' hearing tries to fix itself.

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