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Date 5-10-17

Hey everyone! I decided to change the symbols that represent a time jump. You know, these ones: ///////////////

Those will now be this: ~*~

Just to let you know :)

Now here's the chapter!

Word Count: 2620


Chapter 14: Twisted

Adrian's found it harder to resist fresh human blood since he came back to Cain a few days ago. Every passing person that gets too close sends Adrian into a struggle for control. Especially at school. Adrian clenches his fist, his jaw, and squeezes his eyes shut in an attempt to make the thirst go away.

It's working, but just barely. Adrian doesn't want to steal any more blood packets from hospitals, but he's running out of his supply from Illinois.

The thirst isn't even the biggest problem. The side effects are far worse. Adrian's emotions are running high, which could cause him to go on a rampage.

The only reason he made it through the dinner at Ivie's house without going crazy was because he downed two blood packets just before leaving his own house.

Adrian could snap any second, and he's not sure he'll be able to control it if that does happen.


Lucas comes home from the dinner feeling like an idiot. Adrian completely showed him up on social skills and working skills. Lucas felt like a mouse compared to Adrian, who had to have been the size of an elephant.

What if Lena's parents don't approve of Lucas? What if he's not allowed to date Lena anymore because he's an awkward teenage guy? What if Lucas wolfs out in front of Lena's parents if they tell him that he can't see her anymore?

These bad scenarios race through Lucas' head as he stops in front of the mirror in his bedroom, imagining only the worst.

These are the times that Lucas wishes he's optimistic.

Glaring into the mirror, Lucas' eyes change from brown to gold. Lucas tightens his hands on the dresser, curling his fingers around the edges.

There's a strange pressure in Lucas' mouth so he opens his mouth wide to inspect it. Fangs have replaced four of his teeth, two on each row. Looks like wild dog teeth.

It makes sense in a twisted sort of way.

The fangs are relatively new. They appeared once last week, and Lucas believes this is because he completely a shift into wolf form. Lucas had himself thinking that he imagined the sharp teeth, but now he knows that they're real.

Lucas did this same thing at the dinner tonight, but his eyes unwillingly brightened and with no fangs. It's like Lucas is having trouble with control, just like Mason used to.

Lucas noticed the gap forming between himself and Mason, but Lucas doesn't know how to fix it. Mason just stopped talking to Lucas, stopped hanging out with him. Mason seems to have suddenly become a quietly reserved person. Just a few weeks ago, Lucas would have thought that's impossible.

Rambunctious Mason. That's just who Mason always was. The childish twin.

Lucas watches his glowing eyes turn back to their normal warm brown. So Lucas is in control. Just not when his emotions are running high.

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