a winter's ball

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"Alexander, can you help me with this corset?" Y/N groaned from her room. She had attempted to lace up the ties, but it was a difficult task to do when she couldn't see the ties herself. Most of the corsets she had worn before were laced up in the front, but this corset was fancier and more complex.

Alexander cautiously opened the door to Y/N's room, he was already dressed for the Winter's Ball. He wore his new blue coat, the brass buttons gleamed in the light of the gas lanterns that lit the room. His hair was neatly tied back in a ponytail. Y/N had to admit her brother looked dashing in his new uniform.

"You look nice." Y/N stated simply as Alexander began to lace up the corset. He smiled.
"And it seems you can clean up well, yourself." Alexander grinned. "Where did you get this dress, anyway? I've never seen it before."
Y/N smiled as she ran a hand over the smooth fabric of her skirt. "That's because its new. I made some friends, and they took me out to get a new dress for the ball. They'll be there tonight, perhaps I'll introduce you."

Alexander finished tying up the corset, and stepped back to let Y/N admire herself in the mirror fully.
"You really do look lovely, Y/N."
Y/N did a little spin in front of the mirror to admire the full dress.
"Thank you, Alex. Shall we be going?"


A little while later, Y/N and Alexander arrived at the ball venue. People were still arriving. Women in large colorful dresses disembarked from ornately decorated carriages, their husbands and suitors followed after. Y/N could hear laughter and conversations floating around the place. She blended in with all the noble ladies with her colorful dress, that must've cost the Schuyler's a fortune. Alexander and Y/N fit right in with their new closet, nobody would've guessed they were just a poor family from the Caribbean.

The pair followed the steady stream of people into the ball, and gawked and stared at the expansive ballroom laid out before them. A glistening dance floor gleamed under the feet of couples, who danced the night away. In a well lit corner, a small bar was set up for rich men to get drunk off their feet. The entirety of the ball was lit by a massive chandelier that hung on the ceiling, as well as smaller candelabras clinging to the walls. Y/N examined the room, a smile etched on her face. Someone caught Alexander's eye, and he quickly excused himself from Y/N's side to approach a man at the bar.

Y/N stood alone, awkwardly. She watched the couples dance, and the musicians play their music. It wasn't long before a certain trio approached Y/N. Before she knew it, someone had covered her eyes, and a familiar voice called out.

"Guess who?"

Y/N smiled as she heard the familiar voice. She turned to face her friend. "Angelica!"

The brunette smiled at Y/N, with a nod. Her sisters accompanied her on either side. "Y/N. You're looking beautiful as always. Did you come alone?"

Y/N shook her head. "No, no. My brother's around here somewhere. I'll have to introduce you two sometime, I think you two would get along well."

Angelica smiled. "I would love to meet him!"

Eliza tugged at Angelica's sleeve, and whispered something in Angelica's ear, and offered a quick goodbye before disappearing. Angelica chuckled as she watched her sister leave, then turned back to Y/N.

"Some poor man has seemed to have caught my sister's eye. She's become more confident, Y/N, she use to have me introduce her to men at balls, but Eliza's more independent now." Angelica said with a smile, she led Y/N and Peggy to a table in a corner, and had them sit.

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