let us go

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Washington was stressed that morning. He had been doing his best trying to plan a battle strategy, but his two best minds were absent. He was beginning to regret sending Alexander home. But where was Lafayette? George hadn't seen him since he left to look for Y/N yesterday. George sighed, and decided to give up on planning a strategy. He couldn't do it alone. He left his tent in search of someone to assist him. His eyes landed on Peggy Schuyler first. She was sitting by a fire, writing a letter, likely to her family at home.

"Miss Schuyler!" He addressed, walking over to where she was seated. Her eyes snapped up from the letter she was writing to look at Washington, who continued his sentence. "Did you and those boys have any luck finding Miss Hamilton?"

Peggy frowned and shook her head. "No, I'm sorry sir. She's nowhere to be found."

"And what if the Marquis de Lafayette? Do you know where he is?" The general questioned.

"No." Peggy replied. "Have you checked with John and Hercules? Maybe they know where he went."

Washington nodded solemnly. "Alright, I look for them."

Washington wandered the camp, until he found Hercules and John playing cards together in the mess hall.

Approaching them, George Washington said in a booming voice, "Mr. Mulligan, Mr. Laurens, have either of you seen Lafayette?"

Laurens shook his head, and Hercules replied, "I haven't seen him since last night. I thought he was with you."

"He didn't show up to my tent this morning." Washington shook his head. "What exactly was he doing when you saw him last, Mulligan?"

Hercules thought back to the night before when Lafayette had left. "The last thing I remember him doing, was reading a letter that had been left on his bed."

"We need to find that letter." Washington decided. "It may just help us find Lafayette and Y/N."


No soldiers had wandered back into the tent Y/N was being held captive in, and she suspected General Howe had something to do with it. After a few minutes, she managed to cut her wrists free. Y/N rubbed her wrists, sore from being tied up. She slid her legs over the edge of the cot, and attempted to stand. Y/N wobbled a little as she tried to walk, but quickly steadied herself.

Armed with the General's knife, Y/N stumbled over to the tent's flap, and peered out a small crack. The first thing Y/N noticed, was that her tent wasn't being guarded at all. Redcoats were too busy shuffling around the camp, sharpening weapons and getting drunk. It would be easy to sneak out of this camp. But there were two problems.

The first, was that even if she did escape, she had no idea where she was. The British would certainly find her before she could find Washington or any of her friends. Without a guide, Y/N wouldn't stand a chance. They'd find her again and bring her back.

The second, was Lafayette being led through the redcoat camp by General Howe and a gaggle of musket carrying soldiers. This was a problem. Any thoughts of escaping now went out the window. Y/N had to find away to escape with Lafayette.

While Y/N was lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when another soldier had opened the flap to her tent until it was too late.

"Well, well," The redcoat snarled, "Look what we have 'ere. A little spy, eh? Let's see what the General has to see about this."

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