they took her

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"Shouldn't you be resting?" Y/N questioned Lafayette.

The group had gone to a bar to celebrate John's victory. Well, the group minus Hamilton. After finding out what Hamilton had done, Washington had requested to see him in his office. The rest of the group were sitting in a booth. Peggy and John sat on one side, Hercules had pulled up a chair at the edge of the table, and that left Y/N and Lafayette on the other side.

"Ma ange, I've rested enough." Lafayette said. "You did a great job patching me up. I'm here to celebrate with my friends now."

Y/N made a face, obviously not approving. "Fine, but I don't want you to put an excessive amount of weight on that leg, okay?"

"Of course, ma ange." Lafayette said with a wink.

Hercules returned with beer for the table, and began to pass it out to each of the members. "Drink up, Y/N." He said as he slid her cup to her.

Y/N chuckled, but took a sip of her beer. Unfortunately, that's when George Washington approached their table, and decided to share some news with the five of them.

"I thought you five should know, I sent Alexander home."

Y/N choked, and began to cough. "You did what?"

George Washington was frowning a little. "I had to send him home, Y/N. I apologize. He's a brilliant man, that much is true. But he has a temper. I can't have him shooting every man who disagrees with me, we might not have a country to fight for if he did. I hope I'll be able to invite him back, but we'll see how it goes. Goodnight then."

George Washington left, and Y/N felt her heart drop. Alexander was sent home. Perhaps it was for the best, but she would still miss her brother. She set aside the beer, and stood from the table.

"You okay, Y/N?" Hercules asked, worried.

Y/N sighed. "I guess. I'm just a little upset, that's all. You guys have fun, alright? I think I'm going to retire early tonight. Goodnight."

The table murmured a collective 'Goodnight', and Y/N slid out of the booth, and began walking to her, her arms wrapped around her sides. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel as if someone was following her. Hearing the crunch of leaves behind her, Y/N whipped around to see who was following her. She was surprised to see that it was Joshua, one of the soldiers who had been in the Medical Tent when Laf had asked her to stay with him.

"Oh, it's just you." Y/N relaxed a little. "You scared me."

"You weren't supposed to see me." Joshua sighed. Y/N frowned, not knowing what he meant. "This is going to hurt."

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asked, stepping away from him.

Joshua pulled out a small gun, and Y/N almost screamed. She turned to run, but Joshua was too fast. In a second, Joshua had bashed the butt of his gun against Y/N's skull. She instantly crumpled to the ground. Joshua scooped her limp body from the ground, and carried her to where his horse was tied.


"Have either of you seen Y/N?" Peggy asked, she was begging to get worried. "She didn't come back to our tent last night, and I couldn't find her in the Medical Tent, either."

Hercules and John both looked at each other, and shook their heads.

"Sorry, Pegs, haven't seen her." John said with a shrug.

Hercules added, "Have you asked Laf is he's seen her. Those two are always together."

"Not that I don't believe that's true, because it is." Peggy continued. "I haven't been able to speak with Lafayette yet. He's been busy planning battle strategies with General Washington."

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