please don't leave

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"Do you have to leave?" Y/N asked Alexander.

It had been a week since the ball, and Alexander had told Y/N about his plans to join General Washington as his aide-de-camp. Naturally, Y/N strongly objected to his decision, locking herself in her room until he agreed to stay. After almost a day of staying in her room, Y/N realized there was nothing she could do to make him stay.

"Yes, Y/N." Alexander sighed, tired of the repetitive question. "You know I'd love to have you with me, but there's just no place for a woman in war."

Y/N made a face at Alexander's reply. What did he mean by that? She shook the thought from her head, and pressed Alexander for more answers.

"When will you be back?" She asked.
Alexander only shrugged. "A month maybe?"
"A month?!" Y/N asked, shocked. "What about me? I won't be able to pay rent with you gone that long, Alex."

Alexander stopped packing, to look Y/N in the eye. "Do you really think I would leave without making sure you were okay? I spoke to the Schuyler's, Y/N. I've arranged for you to stay with them while I'm gone, they seemed more than happy to have you stay with them."

"W-what?" Y/N gasped, shocked. "I'm staying with the Schuyler's? That's... that's... amazing!"

Y/N tackled Alexander in a hug, she was giddy with excitement. She would miss her brother, of course, but Y/N loved spending time with the Schuyler's. She always wanted a sister, and now it was like she had three.

Alexander chuckled, and hugged Y/N back. "I'm glad your happy with your living situations. Just don't forget about me while you're living in the Schuyler Mansion."

"I could never forget about you." Y/N giggled, ruffling Alexander's hair. "You're the best brother ever! Now, you better come back home in one piece."

The two siblings spoke of what they were most excited for as they packed. Both were happier than they had been in a while, it was a new era for them. They spent most of that day laughing and talking with each other. Before they knew it, they were completely packed and it was time to drop Y/N off at the Schuyler's. They got in a carriage, and were at the Schuyler Mansion in a matter of minutes. Surprisingly, everyone was already there, waiting for them. General Washington was conversing with General Schuyler. Four soldiers in blue coats stood behind Washington, and three girls in different colored skirts stood behind General Schuyler.
Alexander stepped out of the carriage first, then assisted Y/N out. Everyone turned their attention to the pair.

"Y/N!" Cried the Schuyler sisters in unison. All three of them ran to greet Y/N, and she suddenly felt drowned in an ocean of pink, blue, and yellow gowns. Y/N embraced the sisters as well, happy to be seeing them again.

Meanwhile, Alexander had joined Laurens, Mulligan, Burr, and Lafayette. He gave General Schuyler a courteous thank you for letting his sister stay with him. Alex offered a warm smile to Washington, who gave a grim smile back.

The siblings seemed to have found their respectful places in New York. For a moment, everything seemed perfect.

General Washington cleared his throat and stepped forward. "I would like to formally thank the Schuyler family for welcoming my men and myself into your town. Miss Hamilton, I promise you that your brother will be in safe hands with me. Now, if you all would like to say your goodbyes, we should be heading out."

Y/N was about to say goodbye to her brother, but found that he was already occupied in a conversation with Eliza. Peggy and John Laurens were speaking in hushed tones, their fingers intertwined together. Angelica was listening to General Schuyler and General Washington's brief conversation with interest. Burr was in conversation with Hercules, and by the look on Burr's face, the tailor had just made some vulgar joke. That left the Frenchman.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as she searched the scene for Lafayette. A tap on her shoulder made her jump. She turned to see Lafayette looming over her with a happy grin.

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