three side story

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"I choose you."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

"I will always choose you. Every day. Every time. No matter what. Because I love you that much." Lafayette said, taking Y/N's hands. Lafayette pulled Y/N close to him, and placed a soft kiss to her lips.


Y/N leaned into the kiss. She knew she shouldn't, she was still upset with Lafayette, but she wanted this badly. Y/N had imagined what kissing Lafayette would be like, but it wasn't what she expected. It was a million times better.

Lafayette had his arms wrapped around her waist tightly, refusing to let her go. After some time, the pair finally separated.

"So... you love me?" Y/N asked slowly.

Lafayette nodded. "Yes. I love you, Y/N Hamilton."




"Most assuredly."

"Well then you should know..." Y/N paused. "I love you, too."

Lafayette grinned, and leaned down to kiss Y/N once more. The couple kissed for a little while, then rowdy wedding guests passed by their balcony. They quickly jumped apart from each other, laughing quietly.

"Let's go somewhere less crowded." Y/N suggested. She took Lafayette's hand, and led him away from the balcony.


"Where did Y/N and Lafayette disappear to? And where has Angelica disappeared to?" Peggy asked the remaining table. Eliza and Alexander had already left for their honeymoon. John and Hercules were the only two left.

John shrugged. "Not sure. Perhaps he's finally admitted his undying love for her."

The three had a good laugh at John's comment. Like that would ever happen. Lafayette was too shy.

"Hm, this party is dead." Hercules decided. "Yo, Pegs, how 'bout you show us around the Schuyler Mansion?"

John nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a good idea. I've never seen the inside of this place, Peggy."

"Okay. I can show you around, but it's really not as big as it seems." Peggy agreed.

Hercules scoffed. "Doubt it."

The three of them stood from the table, and Peggy began showing them around. They passed the kitchens, where servants were scurrying around, cleaning up from the wedding. They also passed a series of guest rooms, although it seemed impossible to have so many guests to occupy them. But of course, houses like these weren't supposed to be practical, but grand. And grand it was.

The walls were lined with gold gilded sconces, that glowed with candlelight in the late night of the evening. Windows were rectangular, their frames just as ornately decorated as the rest of mansion. John and Hercules gaped as Peggy lead them through the large house, they were surprised this was a house, not a palace. After being shown to numerous sitting rooms and parlors, Peggy opened a door to show them a room larger then the ones they had seen before. It was equipped with large bay windows, plush sofas, and to top it off, a grand piano in the center of the room. There were also smaller instruments (violins, flutes, trumpets, etc.) littered around the room. This was the music room.

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