i'm all yours

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"Where will we live after we're married?" Y/N asked as she rocked baby Alexandria in her arm. "We can't live with my brother and the Schuylers forever. Where are you thinking?"

"Uh, France?"

Y/N frowned. The last time Lafayette had brought up the subject of the two of them moving to France was right before he left her.

"Haven't we already had this conversation, Lafayette? My only family, Alexander is here. And so are my friends." Y/N sighed.

Lafayette raised an eyebrow. "Mon ange, I don't mean to upset you, but Alexander isn't your only family anymore. You have Juliette and Alexandria. And me, as well. Please, put your daughters first. France would be a safe place to raise them."

"You don't think I put my daughters first?!" Y/N was angry now. "I know what's best for my daughters, don't ever question my maternal skills."

Y/N set the sleeping Alexandria down in her cradle, and stormed out of the nursery angrily.

"Y/N, I didn't mean to upset you!" Lafayette called after her, but her anger made his pleas deaf to her ears.


Y/N fought back tears as she paced angrily around the kitchen. She hated how her eyes would water when she got mad. It made her look weak when she wanted to look threatening.

"Can you believe him?!" She asked Peggy angrily. "He asked me to put my daughters first! Like I haven't always done that!"

Peggy sighed. "Don't you mean 'our daughters', Y/N? They're Lafayette's children as well."

"He didn't give birth to them." Y/N grumbled in annoyance.

Y/N looked up at Peggy, who raised an eyebrow at her. "You two only got engaged a few days ago, how are you already fighting?"

"I'm sorry. Your right, I'm overreacting. Lafayette's a great dad, and he just wants what's best for our girls." Y/N finally gave in.

"I'm glad to hear you say it. And to be honest, Y/N, France would be a nice place to raise your daughters." Peggy admitted. "Doctors and amenities close by. Things would be a lot calmer there."

Of course, neither of the two women were aware of the French Revolution brewing at the time.

"I know. It doesn't even matter where we are, as long as I have him beside me." Y/N said quietly. "It's just, all I've ever known was America and the Caribbean. All I've known is death, pain and suffering surrounding Alexander and I."

"And here you are living, despite it all." Peggy added.

Y/N allowed herself a small smile. "Yes, that's true."

"But Y/N?" Peggy asked. "If there's a better life for you, a life for your children in France, don't you deserve that life?"

"I suppose I do." Y/N mused. "I guess I better apologize to Lafayette."

"One more thing, Y/N." Peggy interceded. "Why do you let Lafayette have such a strong hold on you? A single word from his lips can bring your world crashing down."

"I know I should crumble for better reasons," she replied, the shadow of a smile dancing on her lips, "but have you seen that man? He brings the sun to its knees every night."


"You want Y/N to move to France?" Hercules asked surprised.

"Oui, that is what I asked her to do, Hercules. But she didn't seem too pleased with the idea." Lafayette said frustrated. "I think she's being unreasonable."

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