happy new year

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Music filled the entire house, and guests wandered from room to room gossiping with each other.

Y/N stood at the top of the staircase, her breath caught in her throat. It had been a while since she had been to a ball. In fact, the last time she had gone to one, it was the first ball she had ever been invited to. As Y/N tried to catch her breath, the stays of her dress proved to be her enemy as they dig into her sides.

Finally, Y/N decided she's have to join the party at some point, and began to make her descent down the stairs. Nobody paid her much attention, and Y/N was glad for that. In fact, everyone's attention seemed focused on a certain pair in the parlor.

Y/N made her way through the crowds of people in, murmuring soft 'excuse me's and 'pardon's. Her curiosity made her eager to see what the commotion was about.

Finally, she made her way to the center of the room. Eliza, Adrienne, Hercules, and Lafayette crowded around the couple. Y/N gasped when she saw who it was. In the middle of the crowd stood a girl in a yellow dress holding hands with her new husband.

"Peggy! John! You're back!" Y/N exclaimed. She quickly made her way to Peggy's side, embracing Peggy tightly in a hug.

Peggy laughed happily, hugging Y/N back. "It's so good to see you, Y/N. Lafayette told me about the twins! I can't believe we hadn't noticed sooner that it was two babies instead of one! When do I get to meet them?"

"Slow down, Peggy!" Y/N pleaded, yet her smile remained on her face. "Yes, it was twins. Alexandria and Juliette, both are sweet angels, and I'm sure they'll love their aunt Peggy. And I could hardly believe they were twins, I thought I was just having one large child while I was pregnant. But you have some explaining to do. How dare you and John get married without me! I expected to be a bridesmaid! Well, I guess that's in the past now, I'm just glad you two are back."

Y/N then turned to give John a hug as well.

"We're glad to be back with the family, Y/N." John replied. "And congratulations on the twins. Do we hear wedding bells in the future for you and Lafayette?"

A hot flush spread its way across Y/N's cheeks, glancing at Lafayette who stood not too far away talking with Hercules. "John! Lafayette and I still have a lot of repairing to do in our relationship. And, I'm not sure what I want yet..."

"Yes, you are." Peggy said, glancing at Lafayette as well. "You two have been in love with each other since forever. And you have two children to prove it. Perhaps your relationship has been a little... unconventional, but I've never had any doubt in my mind that that the two of you will most assuredly end up together."

Y/N tried to hide a small smile that appeared on her lips, but ended up failing. "Alright, alright. Enough talk about my love life, Peggy. You and John just got back! It's time to celebrate, you two should start the dancing."

"Agreed, but only if you ask your Frenchman to join you on the dance floor as well." Peggy grinned mischievously, standing up and pushing Y/N in Lafayette's direction.

Y/N made a face at Peggy, made her way over to Lafayette nonetheless. He was in a conversation with Hercules, but whipped his head around when Y/N tapped his shoulder.

"Ma ange! What may I do for you?" Lafayette asked, his eyes seemingly lit up at the sight of her.

"Would you mind joining me on the dance floor, Monsieur Lafayette?" Y/N said confidently.

A cheeky grin spread across Lafayette's face. "Ah, ma ange, I seem to remember myself asking you that very question at our first ball together. This is, as you say, how the furniture has changed, oui?"

undeniable • lafayette x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat