to hurt you

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"Slow down Y/N!" Angelica huffed, picking up her skirts and following Y/N up the staircase. For a pregnant woman, Y/N was certainly fast.

Y/N made it to her room, and slammed the door shut behind her. When she was safely inside, she sunk to the ground, leaning against the door. Y/N ran one hand through her hair, the other resting in her baby bump. She could hardly believe what had happened a few minutes early.


"Y/N, this is my fiancée, Adrienne de Noialles."

Angelica's mouth dropped open. Lafayette shifted awkwardly. Adrienne gave the two girls an uncomfortable smile.

And Y/N?

Y/N felt her heart shatter.

"Your fiancée?" Y/N asked with wide eyes.

Adrienne nodded. "Oui. Gilbert and I are to be, 'ow you say, married in ze fall."

"Congratulations." Angelica stated, looking between Y/N's hurt expression and Adrienne's engagement ring, she narrowed her eyes at the Frenchman. "Lafayette, you've created a new kind of stupid, a-"

"Angelica! That's enough." Y/N snapped. She wasn't anymore pleased with Lafayette's return than Angelica was, but she could fight her own battles.

"Lafayette?" Y/N spoke softly.

Lafayette looked up from the ground to meet Y/N's gaze. He looked guilty. "Yes?"

"You left me, and the rest of us for six months, without so much as a word." Y/N began.

"I know, Y/N , I'm sorry." Lafayette tried. "Please, let me explain-"

"You had six months to explain, Lafayette. If you had tried to contact me in that time, I could've forgiven you. But you didn't. I've had time to get over you, Lafayette. I'm done with you." Y/N hissed, she turned on her heel, returning to the carriage she had taken with Angelica into town, doing her best not to let a tear spill from her eyes.


"Y/N, please. Talk to me. I know you're upset, you should talk to someone." Angelica pleaded from outside the door.

A soft sob racked Y/N's body, and she covered her mouth in an attempt to muffle her unstable voice.

Angelica tried again. "Please...?"


Y/N took a shaky breath. "I always knew he would return."

Angelica sat up a bit, curious to hear what Y/N would say.

"I imagined he'd come back, smile at me, hold me in his arms. I imagined he'd tell me he loved me. Or that he'd come back, apologize for leaving, and everything would go back to the way it was. I thought he'd come back, and we'd start a family together!" Y/N placed a hand over her stomach, and shook her head. "I was so stupid, Angelica!"

"Shh, Y/N. It's alright." Angelica assured her. "Lafayette doesn't deserve you, okay? He left you alone, and returned with some random French girl. You're above him. Although he doesn't deserve you, please give him a chance to explain himself. Obviously Lafayette didn't know about the child, and I'm sure he had no intention of hurting you. Lafayette loves you, there's certainly reasoning for all of this."

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