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A carriage pulled up at 57 Maiden Lane in New York City. It was now mid December, and the weather in New York was less than bearable.

A hooded figure stepped out of the carriage. Wind whipped across the person's face, threatening to unmask the stranger. They quickly walked up the steps toward the door of the apartment, and knocked three times on the door.

After a few moments of silence, the oak door was opened by a servant.

"He's in his study." The servant said, allowing the figure to enter the house. The servant was given a nod, before the figure headed upstairs.

They opened the door to the office. A man in a magenta coat with a head full of curls was hunched over his desk. When he heard the door to his office open, he sat up straight, setting aside his paperwork.

"I didn't expect you back so soon, darlin'." Thomas murmured, standing up from his chair.

"I know." The figure removed their cloak, revealing a woman in a peach colored dress. "I didn't expect to be back so soon, either."

Thomas Jefferson crossed the room to wrap his arms around Angelica's waist. "Family matters getting too stressful for you?"

"Mm." Angelica hummed softly, placing soft kisses along Jefferson's jawline. "Peggy and John still aren't back, they should be soon... and Eliza's trying to get us all to go upstate."

"Doesn't sound half bad, darlin'. Maybe I should go upstate with you." Thomas said, kissing her lips.

Angelica giggled and pulled away so she could study Thomas's face. "You can't be serious? Thomas, you can't imagine how mad Alexander would be if he found out about us. He hates you."

"I know." Thomas sighed. "The feeling's mutual. I still don't understand why you let him come between us. I want to spend more time with you, but your brother-in-law hates me."

"Thomas." Angelica groaned. "You know he's like family to me. Family is important to me."

Thomas frowned. "And what about me? Am I not important to you?"

"You are important to me, Thomas! But..." Angelica was at a loss for words.

"Darlin'," Thomas kissed her forehead. "You know you're gonna have to tell them about us at some point."

"Yeah, but for now..." Angelica's hands wandered beneath Thomas's magenta jacket, sliding it off his shoulders.

Thomas raised an eyebrow at Angelica's behavior. "Right now?"

Angelica bit her lip and nodded, her hands fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

"Mm, kitten." Thomas lifted Angelica up into his arms and carried her over to his desk. "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."

Jefferson begun to unlace Angelica's corset, while Angelica successfully removed Thomas's shirt. Thomas finished removing Angelica's top, and begun trailing kisses across her collarbone.

"Oh..." Angelica shuddered against his touch, squirming slightly.

"Shh, kitten, stay still." His lips moved against her skin.

Thomas's hands traveled down Angelica's legs, slipping beneath her skirts.


undeniable • lafayette x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora