i love you

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The wedding had arrived quicker than Y/N had anticipated. She wasn't ready to see Alexander, Peggy, or the others. Especially Lafayette. Although she missed her Frenchman, Y/N dreaded having to talk to him after the way they had led t things. Angelica was the maid of honor, of course, and John would be the best man. Peggy and Y/N were bridesmaids, and Hercules and Lafayette were the groomsmen. It was two days before the wedding, and the rest of the gang was supposed to arrive today.

Y/N waited on the porch with Eliza and Angelica, when a covered wagon showed up. Alexander was the first one out. He jumped out from the wagon, and ran to greet Eliza, placing a chaste kiss to her lips. John and Peggy exited next, the two of them holding hands. Peggy's eyes got wide when she saw her sisters and Y/N, she ran to them and hugged each of them tightly. Next came Hercules, and then Lafayette. Lafayette made eye contact with Y/N, and took a step in her direction, but was intercepted by Angelica.

"Lafayette! I'm so glad you made it back safely." Angelica said, taking his arm possessively.

Lafayette's gaze lingered on Y/N, then looked to Angelica. "Oui, it is good to be back, mademoiselle Angelica."

Y/N didn't stay to listen to any more of the conversation. She didn't want too. She couldn't take it. Instead, Y/N went inside and began working through the wedding details.


The day of the wedding began bright and early. Servants bustled around the Schuyler Mansion in a rush to get everything ready for the big day. Y/N, Peggy, and Angelica all helped Eliza get ready for the wedding. And Y/N had to say Eliza looked gorgeous.

"Y/N, could you go down and check if the food is all being prepared correctly?" Eliza asked.

Y/N nodded. "Of course, Eliza."

She lifted the skirts of her blue bridesmaid dress above her ankles so she could walk without tripping. Y/N had soon learned the make of the Schuyler Mansion like the back of her hand. Need to find the nearest restroom? No problem. Looking for one of the sisters rooms? She could show you there. Famished and trying to find the food cellar? Y/N could get there in her sleep. Actually, she had a few times. There's nothing like waking up with a block of cheese in your hand.

Y/N had sort of dazed off, and it wasn't until now that she realized she walked all the way to the kitchens. She slowly opened the door, and watched as chefs prepared meals for the mass of guests that would soon arrive. Y/N took a step in, and bumped into another person.

"Omph! Je suis désolé!" Said a thick French accent.

Y/N lost her balance, and fell, hitting her head on the cold marble floor. "Ow."

Lafayette's eyes widened as he realized just who he had bumped into. "Y/N! I am so sorry, mon ange. Please forgive me. Are you okay?"

"I-I'm not sure." Y/N said, trying to sit up. Her head throbbed.

"Mon dieu!" Lafayette frowned, mentally face palming. Before Y/N could react, he picked her up and placed her on a kitchen counter. Lafayette turned to one of the servants in the kitchen. "Can I get some wrapped ice for Mademoiselle Y/N?"

The servant nodded, returning moments later with a make-shift ice pack. Lafayette took it gratefully, holding it against Y/N's forehead. Y/N placed her hand on top of his, adjusting the placement of the ice pack.

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