Not-So-Sweet Mask

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You had to physically hold yourself back from laughing at the egg-headed hero's defeated expression.

He even had a noodle sticking out of his nose because of the sheer amount he tried to gobble up before Genos. In the end he was no match for the cyborg who easily finished the whole bucket of noodles without any problem.

"Better luck next time, Sai. It looks like you'll need to train some more before you can beat Genos at an eating contest" Unable to keep yourself from giggling at his predicament, you opted to at least wipe off the stray noodle with a napkin and also praise the blond for being able to finish all of his food like a real mother would.

The three of you didn't even notice the figure making its way to your table as the rest of the occupants inside the shop were either silenced or burst out into excited whispers at the new person.

"You must be Genos. I'm Amai Mask, Class A Rank 1— (Surname)-sensei?"

Hearing your name being called, you stopped rubbing Saitama's back in hopes of alleviating his stomachache to turn to the one who had called just identified you.

Just the sight of that familiar blue hair made your stomach twist into knots and dread to fill it as you were met with the sight of the top hero in Class A slash actor and singer, Amai Mask.

"A-Ah, Mask-san...What a coincidence to see you here..." While you didn't hold any grudge against the blue-haired male, you just couldn't help but feel anxious around him and not in the 'I'm shy' kind of way either. Something inside of you just warned you to keep away from him, that he was dangerous but how he could be dangerous to you was something you couldn't explain.

It was obvious to anyone who would look at the way your smile twitched and how hesitant you were to speak to him that you were not happy in the least to run into him.

"Wow, this was the last place I expected to see you at. Fate works in mysterious ways, doesn't it? Speaking of seeing you, it's been a while since we last saw each other, isn't it? But you still look as lovely as ever. Last I saw you was at that talk show for the premiere of the movie adaptation of your latest book. I never got to ask you what you thought about my portrayal of Saito there too"

Seemingly ignoring your husband's very presence on the seat beside you, Amai Mask placed all of his attention on you as he plastered on that million-dollar smile of his that would have easily made most women swoon or faint. Unluckily for him, your heart was already completely set on Saitama who was of course, the one whom you based your book heroes on so he could never really portray 'Saito' perfectly.

While you remained insusceptible to the other man's charms, that of course didn't stop the C Rank hero from the anger building up inside of him. Who did this guy think he is?! Flirting with another man's wife and right in front of him too!

As you tried to send the message to the other male that you didn't appreciate his flirting by batting off all his compliments and trying to calm down Saitama by rubbing the palm of his hand in circles using your thumb underneath the table, Genos wondered if he should add Amai Mask to his story as a rival for your affections just to spice things up.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα