His Arms, Your Home

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Saitama was not jealous

No, he didn't have an ounce of fear of you leaving him for Amai Mask, because he knew that you loved him just as much as he loved you.

BUT, that didn't mean he trusted the blue-haired hero to not seduce you while he wasn't looking.

Why, he wasn't even being discreet or subtle with his intentions!

You could practically hear Saitama's teeth grinding together and the seat squeaking as he squeezed it in his attempt to hold himself back from doing anything brash.

Even if he were to physically hold himself back though, the waves of killing intent the yellow-clad man exuded were enough to alert anyone within a 100-meter vicinity that there was danger if they were to come any closer.

Or in this case, if the nuisance that was Amai Mask continued flirting with the MARRIED young woman.

"I hate to interrupt, but I believe you have some business with me?"

A sigh of relief escaped your lips as the hero's attention was diverted away from you and to Genos instead.

You made a mental note to find a way to thank Genos later for that.


Your husband is adorable.

Even after the hero turned actor had left, he was still disgruntled and had a pout present on his normally expressionless face.

His arm is wrapped around your waist in a tight, but comfortable grip with your head leaning against his strong shoulder as the both of you walked across the darkened streets of Z City.

No matter who may want you for themselves, it is only in Saitama's arms will you be happy.

Tilting your head upwards and gazing at the frown upon your husband's face, a sly smile slithered upon your normally innocent features as you took his moment of distraction to your advantage.


Warmth and softness

Those were the first things to register in the hero's mind when he felt pressure being applied to the corner of his lips, but before he could fully comprehend what was happening, the pressure disappeared.

It didn't take long for his mind to connect the dots, his head snapping towards you. Eyes widened, cheeks flushed, and feet halting its stride.

"(Name)...That's really unfair, you know that?" The corners of his lips tilted upwards into a bashful smile. "You missed the right spot"

"And what makes you think I missed, Mr. Hero? Don't you think that I purposely aimed there?" You couldn't contain your cheeky grin, head tilting to the side cutely as if you were as innocent as a lamb.

That seemed to do the trick as you found yourself crushed against Saitama's powerful chest, those familiar lips bearing down against yours. Another arm slithered around your waist, pulling you even closer than you already were to him.

Only the moon was witness to the lovers' embrace, shining down its soft light upon them.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now