"Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"

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"This planet's finest warrior...I sense no limit to his energy"

His unassuming appearance did nothing to hide the overwhelming presence which his mere aura showcased.

Turning his single eye to the figure beside the warrior, the alien pirate lord was once again seemingly hit with another kind of energy.

"I feel...content and at peace. It's as if I'm being embraced gently"

The human female must be one of those kinds of beings. It's been centuries since he last encountered one of her kind, especially one with powers so potent.

With them being so few and born so rarely, normally planets would even outright hide them from the outside world to safeguard their virtue from all who wished to corrupt or use them for their own gain.

How peculiar that one who radiated and embodied purity would step into the front lines with a warrior.

"Before we fight, let us exchange names. I lead the pirate band known as Dark Matter and am known as the Dominator of the Universe, Boros"

"I'm a hero for fu—Ah, a professional hero. My name's Saitama and this is my wife, (Name)"

Though his outer appearance would lead one to think that he was but mere small fry, Boros knew better. The simple fact that he'd managed to snag one of those beings as his mate was more than enough to tell anyone that he was no mere human.


He would enjoy this battle even if it would be his very last.


It was finally over.

Saitama had defeated the alien leader, Lord Boros and his minions were taken care of by the other S-Rank heroes as well.

But at what cost?

So many lives were taken in between the crossfire and once again you were completely helpless.

You still kept completely relying on Saitama and the others so much that you can't help but think, "Am I even really a hero at all?"

Even as construction on the ruined A-City was already underway, you were still despondent as you reevaluated everything in your life. Specifically, whether you were cut out for the whole hero biz at all.

Your blatant weakness continued to gnaw at you internally. Exposing parts of you that you thought had died off as you grew up and matured.

"Stupid. Why did you agree to become a hero when you can't even protect yourself yet?"

You wanted to help save and protect people, did you not?

But the fact still remains.

How can you even dare to protect others when you cannot do so for yourself?

Whether you were just unlucky or not that a disaster of this magnitude occurred just when you decided to start your training to become a hero, it was about time you stopped feeling sorry for yourself and actually carried on with it.

If you continued to sit around feeling sorry for yourself for all the things you couldn't do then how else would you ever improve?

The answer to all your problems was staring you right in the face.

And with that realization, you stood up from your hunched position on the couch and made a beeline to the bedroom and started packing.


"I'll only be gone for a few months, but I'll make sure to call you every night, okay? And don't you dare be TOO cheap just because I'm gone. We have more than enough money to live comfortably and I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to save money, but just not so much that you'll eat eggs over rice for the next few months and not use the AC at all—"

Saitama was going to miss this.

"And don't be too harsh on Genos too. I know that he can be a bit...eccentric at times, but you know that he tries his best because he admires you so much"

Although you promised to call him every night, it wasn't the same as having you next to him before he fell asleep and whenever he woke up in the morning.

"I'll miss you a lot"

And that was enough to let the dam of emotions burst.

His arms were already around you and before you'd even so much as blinked, your face was already buried in his sturdy chest as your husband held you. For all his strength, Saitama would and could never hurt you. Rather, he held you delicately as if you were glass and could break any moment should he put even the slightest amount of strength in his hold.

"Just...take care of yourself out there, alright? If there's ever a problem make sure to come to me first and foremost" Pressing a kiss on your head, the world's strongest hero then gently captured your lips in what would be your last kiss for some time.

Saitama was never really that good with deep and mushy emotions, especially when it came to expressing them verbally. However, what he lacked there he more than made up for with his actions.

"I love you. Come back to me" Those were the silent words he conveyed to you and as you wrapped your arms around his neck to further deepen in the kiss, you sent your own non-verbal message to him.

"I love you too. Please know that I always will"

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now