Dire Situation

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While the meteor had been destroyed by Saitama, he'd failed to take into account how it could have broken into smaller pieces that would still hit the Earth rather than be completely obliterated.

Numerous small meteors struck Z City, causing destruction in their wake, but it was minor as compared to the extent of damages if they weren't broken apart.

You didn't want to think of what the state of Z City might be if your husband was too late to the scene—

"The building is collapsing!" Genos' statement snapped you out of your reverie as the very ground you walked on started to collapse.

Rather than panicking, you only tightened your hold on the blond, determined to not let him go and fall to his doom, especially when he was in too weak of a state.

"Just hold on to me, okay Genos? We're going to get out of here alive no matter what, because Sai is waiting for us"

The cyborg was unable reply back as Bang grabbed the both of you with surprising strength and with one great leap, the three of you were in the air and away from the collapsing structure.

"It's not just this building that's collapsing. The destruction is spreading through the whole city" Pointed out the elder, wizened eyes narrowed at the meteorites that struck buildings, streets, vehicles, and etc.

"At least no one seems to be hurt. Thank god for that..." From your vantage point you could see fire, smoke, and destruction, but otherwise no people seemed to have been hit.

"It's a miracle that no person has been hurt after all of this so far" Agreed Bang, finding the zero human casualties to be nothing short of a miracle, considering just how many pieces the meteor had split into.

The intense heat from the multitudes of flaming bodies was uncomfortable at the least, but nothing you all couldn't handle.

That was until the heat seemed to worsen all of a sudden. The temperature skyrocketing to the point where sweat was pouring down your skin in rivulets.

It only took a single look upwards for you all to realize just what kind of danger you were in. A fairly large chunk of burning rock was hurtling towards you at an alarming rate.

Bang swore under his breath.

Genos was in no shape to destroy it, nor could Bang who had his hands full with the both of you and trying to avoid hitting into anything, but even he couldn't possibly avoid it at this point.

That left...you.

But what could you do? You didn't have your husband's strength, Genos' weapons, and Bang's skills.

You were just...you.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now