Is This the End?

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The heat was searing.

You could feel the acid splashing against your back, burning through your clothes and skin.

You wanted to scream, but the pain was too great and just staying conscious as your body was being melted took all your energy.

Vision blurring, scorching heat and unbearable pain spreading, and consciousness fading.

The mere act of smiling reassuringly at the horrified young girl whom you saved was taking all your remaining energy.

The screams of civilians and Genos' shouts were barely audible to your ears.

So this is how you were going to die?

You never even got to see Saitama one last time...

But if you were to perhaps survive and the situation happened again, you would do it again and again if it meant being able to protect others.

Saitama was right. You really had too big of a heart, didn't you?

As your burnt and scarred body hit the ground, you couldn't help but relish the coolness of the cement.

Or maybe that was just because you've become numb already?

Either way, you welcomed the cool relief that slowly enveloped your whole body. Unaware that, the cement was not the cause of the relief your body was receiving, but rather from the pink light that emanated from within you and slowly wrapped around your body in what seemed to be a protective embrace.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now