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Was it possible to feel for something stronger than its original recipient?

You gripped the material of your jeans as you read the letter in Saitama's hands, the bold characters in red ink emphasizing the animosity being directed at him.

Why did your husband have to be that good of a person to the point where he'd paint himself as the bad guy so that others would get the credit they deserve at the cost of his own reputation?

"In the end, the other heroes didn't do anything heroic"

"He's the hero from Z City that everyone calls a cheat"

"He is a cheat"

"So, he's just taking the credit?"

"Compared to him, the other heroes seem a little more heroic"

"Where would we be now if the other heroes hadn't fought?"

"Yeah, I feel so grateful to all of them..."

It wasn't fair

Why did Saitama have to be so selfless? Always thinking about and taking care of others, but never himself.

That was one of the reasons he needed you, because who would take care of him otherwise?

Who will be his hero when he himself can't be one at the moment?

"Hey, there's one more"

Snapping out of your reverie, you turned your attention back to the bald male as he opened another letter addressed to him.

At this point, you were quite apprehensive of this new letter, fearing that it could be another one that expressed hate for him.

"Someone's thanking me" He announced, prompting both you and Genos to lean closer and read whatever was written on the paper after having feared for the worst.

"It's probably from someone you saved before. Have they written who they are and their address? We could send them a reply" Although it may seem like a small thing to some people, it meant the world to you and especially Saitama despite how nonchalantly he was acting.

"No, they didn't put a written address or their name here. Do I have any more mail, Genos?" Folding the letter neatly and pocketing it, he then turned towards the pile of mail strewn about the coffee table.

"There is one from the Hero Association for you and also one for (Name)-san"

A letter? For you?

Now what would the Hero Association want with you?

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now